
年度 论文名称
2014 ShinYin Huang*;RuaHuan Tsaih;Fang Yu, 2014.02, 'Topological pattern discovery and feature extraction for fraudulent financial reporting, ' Expert System with Applications, Vol.41, No.9, pp.4360-4372.(SCIE, DBLP)(*为通讯作者), vol. 402788, Feb. 2014
2014 Shih-Kuei Lin;Chien-Hsiu Lin*;Ming-Che Chuang;Chia-Yu Chou, 2014.02, 'A RECURSIVE FORMULA FOR A PARTICIPATING CONTRACT EMBEDDING A SURRENDER OPTION UNDER A REGIME- SWITCHING MODEL WITH JUMP RISKS: EVIDENCE FROM THE S&P 500 STOCK INDEX, ' Economic modelling, Vol.38, pp.341-350.(SSCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 402924, Feb. 2014
2014 Ramaswami, A.*;Huang, J. C.;Dreher, G., 2014.02, 'Interaction of gender, mentoring, and power distance on career attainment: A cross-cultural comparison, ' Human Relations, Vol.67, No.2, pp.153-173.(SSCI, 管理一学门推荐第一级学术期刊)(*为通讯作者), vol. 395885, Feb. 2014
2014 吴安妮*, 2014.02, '跳脱中小企业绩效魔咒, ' 哈佛商业评论全球中文版, pp.28-30.(*为通讯作者), vol. 408916, Feb. 2014
2014 Liang, Rong-Da*;Chia-ling Lee;Wen Tung, 2014.02, 'The role of sunk costs in online consumer decision-making, ' Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, Vol.13, No.1, pp.56-68.(SSCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 412336, Feb. 2014
2014 Joanna Ho*;Anne Wu;Steve Wu, 2014.01, 'Performance Measures, Consensus on Strategy Implementation, and Performance: Evidence from the Operational-level of Organizations., ' Accounting, Organizations and Society, Vol.39, No.1, pp.38-58.(SSCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 403080, Jan. 2014
2014 Hsuan-Chi Chen*;Sheng-Syan Chen;黄嘉威;John Schatzberg, 2014.01, 'Insider Trading and Firm Performance Following Open Market Share Repurchase Announcements, ' Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, Vol.41, pp.156–184.(SSCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 429632, Jan. 2014
2014 Ping-Hsun Chen*, 2014.01, 'Cross-Straits Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement, Cross-Strait Agreement on Intellectual Property Right Protection and Cooperation, and Implications of One-China, ' Houston Journal of International Law, Vol.36, No.1, pp.59-99.(Westlaw)(*为通讯作者), vol. 409653, Jan. 2014
2014 谢明华;黄雅文*;郭维裕;蔡政宪, 2014.01, '寿险准备金风险之衡量, ' 经济论文,.(TSSCI)(*为通讯作者)(本论着未刊登但已被接受), vol. 403840, Jan. 2014
2014 黄泓智;李永淙*, 2014.01, 'Improvement on mortality predictions using the Lee-Carter model and its application to a defined contribution pension plan, ' 管理评论,.(TSSCI)(*为通讯作者)(本论着未刊登但已被接受), vol. 402791, Jan. 2014