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张冠群, 2011.03, '台湾保险法关于恶意复保险法律效果之检讨与修正建议, ' 月旦民商法, No.31, pp.92-115.(月旦法学知识库), vol. 333600, Mar. 2011 |
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Kuo-Tay Chen;Hsin-Min Lu;Tsai-Jyh Chen;Shu-Hsing Li*;Jian-Shuen Lian;Hsinchun Chen, 2011.03, 'Giving Context to Accounting Numbers: The Role of News Coverage, ' Decision Support Systems, Vol.50, No.4, pp.673-679.(SCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 317895, Mar. 2011 |
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Chung-Chi Shen*;Jyh-Shen Chiou;Biing-Shen Kuo, 2011.03, 'Remedies for Information Asymmetry in Online Transaction: An Investigation into the Impact of Web Pages Signals on Auction Outcome, ' Internet Research, Vol.21, No.2, pp.154-170.(SCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 336253, Mar. 2011 |