
年度 论文名称
2009 Yang, S.*;Yu, Y., 2009, 'Monitoring Cascade Processes using VSI EWMA control charts, ' Journal of Chemometrics, Vol.23, pp.449-462.(SCIE)(*为通讯作者), vol. 301538, 2009
2009 彭金隆*;林建智;吴佳宁, 2009, '我国银行保险业务监理架构之探讨, ' 台湾金融财务季刊, Vol.10, No.4, pp.135-158.(*为通讯作者), vol. 342657, 2009
2009 林建智;彭金隆*;林裕嘉, 2009, '论团体保险当事人之法律问题及示范条款修订建议, ' 保险专刊, Vol.25, No.1, pp.1-20.(*为通讯作者), vol. 342656, 2009
2009 黄泓智*, 2009, '股价指数连结型商品之投资避险策略, ' 财务金融学刊,.(TSSCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 252356, 2009
2009 Wei-Feng Tung*;Soe-Tsyr Yuan;Je-Ren Tsai, 2009, 'A Custom Collaboration Service System for Idea Management of Mobile Phone Design, ' Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing: forthcoming, Vol.19, No.5, pp.494-509.(SSCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 273829, 2009
2009 Huang Tai Hsin*;Chen Ying Hsiu, 2009, 'A study on long-run inefficiency levels of a panel dynamic cost frontier under the framework of forward-looking rational expectations, ' Journal of Banking and Finance, Vol.33, pp.842-849.(SSCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 262569, 2009
2009 Soe-Tsyr Yuan*;Mei-Rung Lu, 2009, 'An Value-Centric Event Driven Model and Architecture: a Case Study of Adaptive Complement of SOA for Distributed Care Service Delivery, ' Expert Systems with Applications, Vol.36, No.2, pp.3671-3694.(SCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 237909, 2009
2009 Soe-Tsyr Yuan*;I-Chien Lin, 2009, 'VCNI - Applying Value Theory to Contextual Needs Identification in Proactive Elderly Care, ' Expert Systems with Applications, Vol.36, No.1, pp.778-791.(SCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 237907, 2009
2009 Kang, Min-Ping;Mahoney, Joseph;谭丹琪, 2009, 'Why Firms Make Unilateral Investments Specific to Other Firms: The Case of OEM Suppliers, ' Strategic Management Journal, Vol.30, No.2, pp.117-136.(SSCI), vol. 262729, 2009
2009 Hung, Y. C.;Lin, S. K.;Wu, C. W., 2009, 'Pricing Risky Securities in Hidden Markov-Modulated Poisson Processes, ' Advances in Quantitative Analysis of Finance and Accounting, Vol.7, No.7, pp.95-210.(FLI), vol. 316012, 2009