
年度 论文名称
2006 熊欣华*;于卓民;司徒达贤, 2006, '资讯电子业合作之关系风险与管理控制, ' 管理学报, Vol.24.(TSSCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 241962, 2006
2006 Shiah-Hou;Shin-Peng G.;Yu, Chwo-Ming J.*; Seetoo, Dah-Hsian W., 2006, 'The Effects of Power Expectations on the Intent to Share Knowledge—The Case of Supervisors in the Banking Industry, ' The Journal of Human Resource and Adult Learning, Vol.2, No.1, pp.166-175.(*为通讯作者), vol. 217281, 2006
2006 于卓民*;翁煌哲, 2006, '循序渐进的海外投资策略:以台湾资讯电子零组件产业对中国投资为例, ' 管理评论, Vol.25, No.1, pp.45-66.(TSSCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 215694, 2006
2006 Shiah-Hou;Shin-Peng;Chwo-Ming Yu;Dah-Hsian William Seetoo, 2006, 'The Effects of Power Expectations on the Intent to Share Knowledge—the Case of Supervisors in the Banking Industry", ' The Journal of Human Resource and Adult Learning, Vol.2, No.1, pp.166-175., vol. 255796, 2006
2006 熊欣华;司徒达贤;于卓民, 2006, '「资讯电子业合作之关系风险与管理控制」, ' 管理评论, Vol.25, No.2, pp.83-108.(TSSCI), vol. 255795, 2006
2006 廖明坤;于卓民;司徒达贤, 2006, '「台商大陆子公司决策自主权影响因素之研究, ' 中山管理评论, Vol.14, No.2, pp.397-427., vol. 255794, 2006
2006 Chin, C. L.;G. Kleinman;P. Lee;M. Lin, 2006, 'Corporate ownership structure and accouracy and bias of mandatory earnings forecst: evidence from Taiwan, ' Journal of International Accounting Research, Vol.5, No.2, pp.41-62.(国科会B+类期刊), vol. 301795, 2006
2006 Chin,C. L.;H. Chi;A. Anadarajanet;P. Lee, 2006, 'Patent Citation, Spillover, and Tobin Q: Evidence from the Taiwan Semiconductor Industry, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, ' Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, Vol.8, No.3, pp.543-571.(Econ.List, FLI), vol. 193697, 2006
2006 陈明进, 2006, '稽征机关琵|务查核对营利事业短暝|报所得之影响, ' 经济论文, Vol.34, No.2, pp.213-250.(TSSCI), vol. 255789, 2006
2006 陈明进;蔡丽雯, 2006, '财琵|所得差异决定因素及课琵|所得推估之研究, ' 管理学报, Vol.23, No.6, pp.739-763.(TSSCI), vol. 255788, 2006