
年度 论文名称
2005 欉清全;李政峰;郭炳伸, 2005, '预测绩效检定:简单回归之应用, ' 经济论文, Vol.33, No.1, pp.1-33.(TSSCI), vol. 185636, 2005
2005 Len-Kuo Hu;Chin-Mann Huang, 2005, 'Compensation Design and Career Concerns of Fund Manager, ' Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, Vol.24, No.4, pp.379-398.(SSCI), vol. 188589, 2005
2005 Len-Kuo Hu;Yu-Shun Hung, 2005, 'The Role of Hedged Futures in Managerial Incentive Contracts, ' International Journal of Accounting Studies, Vol.40, pp.1-29., vol. 188586, 2005
2005 陈明吉;廖茂成, 2005, '资产市场关联性与财富效果-台湾股票市场与不动产市场之分析, ' 台湾土地金融季刊, Vol.四十二, No.一, pp.25-42., vol. 405547, 2005
2005 沈水金;陈明吉;蔡敦浩, 2005, '银行区域消费金融中心营运之探讨, ' 企银季刊, Vol.二十八, No.三, pp.81-110., vol. 405546, 2005
2005 江弥修*;王祥帆, 2005, '百慕达式利率交换选择权, ' 集保结算所月刊, No.157.(*为通讯作者), vol. 279136, 2005
2005 黄台心;王美惠, 2005, '考虑技术与配置无效率下的银行业规模与多元经济分析, ' 东吴经济商学学报, Vol.50, pp.1-44., vol. 209962, 2005
2005 Huang, Tai-Hsin, 2005, 'A Study on the Productivities of IT Capital and Computer Labor: Firm-level Evidence from Taiwan’s Banking Industry, ' Journal of Productivity Analysis, Vol.24, pp.241-257.(SSCI, Eco. Lit.), vol. 209808, 2005
2005 廖四郎*;黄星华;吕桔诚, 2005, 'Financial Synergies and Optimal Stock Exchange Ratio in a Cross-Border M&A—Real Option Approach, ' Collaborative Research in Econometrics, Quantitative Finance, Operations Research and Risk Management,.(*为通讯作者), vol. 240384, 2005
2005 廖四郎;王昭文;吴锦文, 2005, '随机利率与信用风险下股权联动结构型票券之订价及避险策略, ' 证券市场发展季刊, Vol.17, No.4, pp.191-220.(TSSCI), vol. 200154, 2005