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刘孔中;谢铭洋;冯震宇, 2012.04, '刘孔中、谢铭洋、冯震宇,着作权判决实证研究—从智财法院成立后三年相关判决出发,月旦法学203期(2012年4月),页47-62。, ' 月旦法学203期,., vol. 366670, Apr. 2012 |
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Cheng, L.;J.R. Chiou;Y.R. Chen;B.S. Lee, 2012.04, 'Market Reactions to the Split-share Structure Reform and the Determinants of Compensation: Evidence from Chinese Listed Firms, ' Asia-Pacific Journal of Financial Studies, Vol.41, pp.194-223.(SSCI), vol. 404827, Apr. 2012 |
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Yu-Ting Cheng;Hsiang-Chuan Liu;郭训志*, 2012.03, 'An Improved Choquet Integral Composition Forecasting Model Based on H-measure and O-density, ' Advanced Science Letters, Vol.19, No.11, pp.3324-3327.(*为通讯作者), vol. 368087, Mar. 2012 |
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许嫚荏;薛慧敏*, 2012.03, 'The linear combination of biomarkers which maximize the partial area under the ROC curves, ' Computational Statistics,.(SCI)(*为通讯作者)(本论着未刊登但已被接受), vol. 364352, Mar. 2012 |
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Tzu-Yi Yu*;Hong-Chih Huang;Chun-Lung Chen;Qun-Ting Lin, 2012.03, 'Generating effective defined-contribution pension plan using simulation, ' Expert Systems with Applications (Impact factor: 1.926), Vol.39, No.2012, pp.2684-2689.(SCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 372795, Mar. 2012 |
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许永明*, 2012.03, '保险公司实施以风险为导向的内部稽核, ' 寿险季刊, Vol.0, No.163, pp.3-20.(*为通讯作者), vol. 380721, Mar. 2012 |
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Wang, Chen-Shu;Yang, Heng-Li*, 2012.03, 'A Recommender Mechanism Based on Case-Based Reasoning, ' Expert Systems with Applications, Vol.39, No.4, pp.4335-4343.(SCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 348757, Mar. 2012 |
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Deng, Guang-Feng*;Woo-Tsong Lin;Chih-Chung Lo, 2012.03, 'Markowitz-Based Portfolio Selection with Cardinality Constraints Using Improved Particle Swarm Optimization, ' Expert Systems with Applications, Vol.39, No.4, pp.4558-4566.(SCIE)(*为通讯作者), vol. 355647, Mar. 2012 |
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柯冠成;江惠君;林信助;张荣显*, 2012.03, '资产成长与股票报酬之关系:台湾实证, ' 管理学报, Vol.29, No.5, pp.465-487.(TSSCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 360716, Mar. 2012 |
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陈虹均;郭炳伸*;林信助, 2012.03, '能源价格冲击与台湾总体经济, ' 台湾经济预测与政策, Vol.42, No.2, pp.1-36.(TSSCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 335583, Mar. 2012 |