
年度 论文名称
2006 陈明吉;蔡怡纯;李育菁, 2006, '台北房地产市场报酬波动特性之长期观察,货币观测与信用评等, ' 货币观测与信用评等, No.59, pp.20-35., vol. 405545, 2006
2006 陈明吉;罗容恒;庄葳丞, 2006, '不动产抵押贷款证券之评价–固定利率与浮动利率之比较分析, ' 管理研究学报, Vol.六, No.一, pp.1-47., vol. 405517, 2006
2006 Chen, Ming-Chi;Tien Foo, Sing, 2006, 'Common Structural Time Series Components in Inflation and Residential Property Prices, ' Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management, Vol.12, No.1, pp.23-36.(EconLit), vol. 405516, 2006
2006 Sing, Tien Foo;I-Chun Tsai;Ming-Chi Chen, 2006, 'Price Dynamics in Public and Private Housing Markets in Singapore, ' Journal of Housing Economics, Vol.15, No.4, pp.305-320.(SSCI), vol. 405515, 2006
2006 张元晨;黄柏凯;臧大年;何家政, 2006, '国安基金以期货维护现货策略之分析, ' 管理学报, Vol.23, No.1, pp.125-147.(TSSCI), vol. 238271, 2006
2006 Yuanchen Chang;Kam C. Chan;Robert C.W. Fok, 2006, 'Divergent Expectations and Close-end Funds: Evidence from Post-Asian Financial Crisis Period, ' Journal of Emerging Market, Vol.1, pp.5-14., vol. 238268, 2006
2006 Lin, S. K.;Wang, R. H.;Fuh, C. D., 2006, 'Risk Management for Linear and Non-Linear Assets: A Bootstrap Method with Importance Resampling to Evaluate Value-at-Risk, ' Asia-Pacific Financial Markets, Vol.13, No.3, pp.261-295.(EconLit), vol. 316015, 2006
2006 黄台心;T.L. Kao, 2006, 'Joint estimation of technical efficiency and production risk for multi-output banks under a panel data cost frontier model, ' Journal of Productivity Analysis,.(SSCI, Eco. Lit), vol. 209807, 2006
2006 林月云;Wei, Y.C.;Chen, M.H., 2006, 'The Role of Board Chair in the Relationship between Board Human Capital and Firm Performance, ' International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics, Vol.2, No.3, pp.329-340.(ABI/INFORM), vol. 319527, 2006
2006 Lin, Y.Y.*;Wei, Y.C., 2006, 'The role of business ethics in merger and acquisition success: An empirical study, ' Journal of Business Ethics, Vol.69, pp.95-109.(SSCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 215681, 2006