
年度 论文名称
2013 罗映宗;彭金隆*, 2013.08, '人身保险经纪人间以同业合作方式洽订保险契约适法性探讨, ' 保险经营与制度, Vol.12, No.2, pp.129-144.(*为通讯作者), vol. 393347, Aug. 2013
2013 Daniel Yuh Chao*;Jiun-Ting Chen;Murat Uzam, 2013.08, 'Reaching Most States Via Refining Controller Regions for Supervisors of Two Well-Known S3PR, ' International Journal of Production Research, Vol.51, No.15, pp.4421-4430.(SCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 402428, Aug. 2013
2013 Gai Yun Liu*;Daniel Yuh Chao;Fang Yu, 2013.08, 'Control policy for a subclass of Petri nets without reachability analysis, ' IET Control Theory and Applications, Vol.7, No.8, pp.1131 - 1141.(SCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 402426, Aug. 2013
2013 Gaiyun Liu*;Daniel Y. Chao;Murat Uzam, 2013.08, 'Maximally permissive deadlock prevention via an invariant controlled method, ' International Journal of Production Research, Vol.51, No.15, pp.4431-4442.(SCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 378506, Aug. 2013
2013 Liang Hong;Daniel Yuh Chao, 2013.08, 'Controllability of Weakly Dependent Control and Mixture Siphons in S3PR, ' International Journal of Systems Science, Vol.44, No.8, pp.1377-1385.(SCI), vol. 355355, Aug. 2013
2013 Chang, Charles;Fuh, Cheng-Der;Lin, Shih-Kuei*, 2013.08, 'A Tale of Two Regimes: Theory and Empirical Evidence for a Markov-Modulated Jump Diffusion Model of Equity Returns and Derivative Pricing Implications, ' Journal of Banking and Finance, Vol.37, No.8, pp.3204-3217.(SSCI, 科技部财务领域国际期刊A Tier-1级)(*为通讯作者), vol. 387228, Aug. 2013
2013 Wu, Ming-Cheng*;Liao, Szu-Lang;Huang, Yi-Ting, 2013.08, 'The Relation between Equity-based Compensation and Managerial Risk-taking: Evidence from China, ' Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, Vol.49, No.2, pp.107-125.(SSCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 382726, Aug. 2013
2013 Szu-Lang Liao;Jing -Yi Chen*, 2013.08, 'Spatial and Temporal Effects of High-Speed Rail on House Prices – A Case of Kaohsiung City, ' Journal of Housing Studies, Vol.22, No.1, pp.25-54.(TSSCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 377549, Aug. 2013
2013 C. Chao;洪叔民*, 2013.08, 'Does the SEC''s Waiver of Reconciliation of IFRS to U.S. GAAP Improve Accounting Quality?, ' Accounting and Finance Journal, Vol.2, No.3, pp.78-97.(*为通讯作者), vol. 393953, Aug. 2013
2013 张爱华;Sara H. Hsieh*; Timmy H. Tseng, 2013.08, 'Online Brand Community Response to Negative Brand Events: the Role of Group eWOM, ' Internet Research, Vol.23, No.4, pp.414-438.(SSCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 397390, Aug. 2013