
年度 论文名称
2012 Tseng, Y-Z;Chen, Chun-Lung*;Chen, Chuem-Lung, 2012, 'A hybrid EDA with ACS for solving permutation flow shop scheduling, ' International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol.60, pp.1139-1147.(SCIE)(*为通讯作者), vol. 349067, 2012
2012 Wang, Y.*;Huang, C.-H.;Fang, Y.;Qiong, Y.;Li, R., 2012, 'Flexible semiparametric analysis of longitudinal genetic studies by reduced rank smoothing, ' Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series C, Vol.61, pp.1-24.(SCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 423275, 2012
2012 Gregory Dobson*;Hsiao-Hui Lee;Arvind Sainathan;Vera Tilson, 2012, 'A Queueing Model to Evaluate the Impact of Patient “Batching” on Throughput and Flow Time in a Medical Teaching Facility, ' Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Vol.14, No.4, pp.584-599.(SSCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 423707, 2012
2012 Sheng-Syan Chen;Chin-Te Yu;Xuan-Qi Su;Shu-Miao Lai, 2012, 'Organizational Form and Long-Run Stock and Operating Performance Following Corporate R&D Expenditures, ' Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies, Vol.15, No.4, pp.1250017., vol. 416267, 2012
2012 李仁芳*, 2012, 'Chien-Hung Lee & Jen-Fang Lee (2012),“From Innovator’s Dilemma to Value Chain and Organization’s Dilemma”, Economics, Business Innovation, Vol.38, pp.64-68., '.(*为通讯作者), vol. 413097, 2012
2012 Fuh, Y-B;Tung, M-H;Tung, K-C;江振东;Fei, C-Y*, 2012, 'Causes of Relinquishing the Dogs Adopted from Animal Shelters in Taiwan, ' The Thai Journal of Veterinary Medicine,.(SCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 364348, 2012
2012 Li-Ting Chiu;胡联国, 2012, 'Asset Pricing and Systematic Liquidity Risk in Taiwan Stock Market, ' Review of Securities and Futures Markets,.(TSSCI)(本论着未刊登但已被接受), vol. 350817, 2012
2012 胡联国*, 2012, 'Asset Pricing and Systematic Liquidity Risk in Taiwan Stock Market, '.(*为通讯作者), vol. 410998, 2012
2012 江振东*;Lin, C-Y;Fu, T-T;Chen, C-H, 2012, 'Using Stated-Preference and Prior Purchase Intention in the Estimation of Willingness to Pay a Premium for Genetically Modified Foods, ' AgriBusiness,.(SCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 364343, 2012
2012 项维欣*;吴思华;陈意文, 2012, '专案团队内创意构想守门能耐与体制规则概念建构及量表发展与验证, ' 中山管理评论, Vol.20, No.4, pp.1045-1104.(TSSCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 352412, 2012