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许崇源, 2001, '未分配盈馀加征所得税改以财务会计所得为准之影响, ' 实用税务, Vol.0, No.321, pp.58-63., vol. 147125, 2001 |
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B. Lin*;J. Collins;Robert Su, 2001, 'Supply Chain Costing: An Activity-Based Perspective, ' International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, Vol.31, No.9-10, pp.702-713.(*为通讯作者), vol. 151396, 2001 |
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Robert Su*;H. Peng;K. Cheng, 2001, 'The Stock Market Reactions to the Bank Business Tax Rate Reduction Act in Taiwan: A Multi-Event Approach, ' Sun Yat-Sen Management Review, Vol.9, pp.49-70.(TSSCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 151394, 2001 |
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张文静*;周玲台;林修葳, 2001, '审计品质对维持前期盈馀绩效公司盈馀管理行为影响之研究, ' 证券市场发展季刊, Vol.13, pp.31-70.(TSSCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 146808, 2001 |
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Awasthi, V.;C.Chow;A. Wu, 2001, 'Cross-Culture Differences in the Behavioral Consequences of Imposing Performance Evaluation and Reward Systems: An Experimental Investigation, ' The International Journal of Accounting, Vol.36, No.0, pp.291-309., vol. 147062, 2001 |
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Chow, C.;T. Lindquist;A. Wu, 2001, 'National Culture and the Implementation of “High-Stretch”Performance Standards: An Exploratory Study., ' Behavioral Research in Accounting, Vol.13, No.0, pp.85-109., vol. 147061, 2001 |
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蔡维奇;吴姮憓, 2001, '组织服务气候对服务品质的影响:以员工正面情绪表达为中介变项, ' 台大管理论丛, Vol.12, No.1, pp.149-169.(TSSCI), vol. 166332, 2001 |
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Tsai, W. C.*, 2001, 'Determinants and consequences of employee displayed positive emotions, ' Journal of Management, Vol.27, No.4, pp.497-512.(SSCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 166222, 2001 |
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邱志圣, 2001, 'Horizontal and Vertical Individualism and Collectivism Among College Students in the United States,Taiwan,and Argentina., ' Journal of Social Psychology, Vol.141, No.5, pp.667-678.(SSCI), vol. 147946, 2001 |
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Sheng-Syan Chen;Cheng-few Lee;Keshab Shrestha, 2001, 'On a Mean-Generalized Semivariance Approach to Determining the Hedge Ratio, ' Journal of Futures Markets, Vol.21, No.6, pp.581-598.(SSCI), vol. 416506, 2001 |