
年度 论文名称
2011 Chou, Robin K.;San-Lin Chung;Yu-Jen Hsiao;Yaw-Huei Wang, 2011.12, 'The Impact of Liquidity Risk on Option Prices, ' Journal of Futures Markets, Vol.31, No.12, pp.1116-1141.(SSCI), vol. 336658, Dec. 2011
2011 Liao Szu-Lang;Sung Hao-Chang, 2011.12, 'Not-for-Profit Service that Leads Profit: Delegation and Competition between Not-for-Profit and For-Profit Organizations, ' International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, Vol.0, No.80, pp.40-48.(FLI), vol. 355731, Dec. 2011
2011 Chi, W.;Y. Chang;L. Hwang;M. Shiue, 2011.12, 'The association between corporate governance and audit quality: Evidence from Taiwan., ' Research in Accounting in Emerging Economics, Vol.11, No.4, pp.129-153., vol. 352207, Dec. 2011
2011 陈明进;Sanjay Gupta, 2011.12, 'An empirical investigation of the effect of imputation credits on remittance of overseas dividends, ' Journal of Contemporary Accounting & Economics, Vol.7, No.1, pp.18-30., vol. 378643, Dec. 2011
2011 陈明进;林怡伶, 2011.12, '资产减值准备与股权结构对中国上市公司有效税率之影响, ' 会计审计论丛, Vol.1, No.2, pp.27-55., vol. 378629, Dec. 2011
2011 Kili C Wang*;Jin Lung Peng;Yi-Yun Sun;Yao-Chia Chang, 2011.12, 'The Asymmetric Information problem in Taiwan’s Commercial Cancer Insurance Market, ' The Geneva Risk and Insurance Review, Vol.36, No.2, pp.202-219.(SSCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 342642, Dec. 2011
2011 杨建民;徐敏珠;刘月纯, 2011.12, '我国电子金流发展架构与前瞻, ' 财金资讯季刊, No.69, pp.24-28., vol. 358523, Dec. 2011
2011 李佳玲*;史雅男;蔡宜伶, 2011.11, '总经理薪酬与绩效衡量及不确定性 之配适度对公司营运绩效的影响, ' 组织与管理, Vol.4, No.2, pp.39-77.(TSSCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 412343, Nov. 2011
2011 冯震宇, 2011.11, '宏达电与苹果专利争讼凸显智财与并购结合之趋势, ' 月旦法学杂志, Vol.0, No.198, pp.250-252., vol. 379265, Nov. 2011
2011 汤宗益*;刘文良, 2011.11, '供应链关系利益与关系品质对动态能力之影响 The Impacts of Supply Chain Relational Benefit and Relational Quality on Dynamic Capability, ' 商管科技季刊, pp.23-44.(*为通讯作者), vol. 404571, Nov. 2011