
年度 论文名称
2010 张冠群, 2010.10, '台湾保险法关于违反告知或通知义务不退还保险费规定之检讨, ' 法学新论, No.26.(月但法学知识库), vol. 315069, Oct. 2010
2010 王俪玲, 2010.10, 'The Impacts of Corporate Governance Structures on Risk Taking by Insurance Companies in Taiwan, ' 管理评论金融机构专刊,.(TSSCI), vol. 331646, Oct. 2010
2010 王俪玲, 2010.10, 'The impacts of Corporate Governance Structures on Rick Taking by Insurance Companies in Taiwan, ' 管理评论金融机构专刊, Vol.29, No.4, pp.1-18.(TSSCI), vol. 320375, Oct. 2010
2010 Sinkovics, Rudolf R;简睿哲;Noemi Pezderk, 2010.10, 'Cross-Border Relationships and Performance: Revisiting a Complex Linkage -- a Commentary Essay, ' Journal of Business Research, Vol.63, No.12, pp.1368-1371.(SSCI), vol. 357733, Oct. 2010
2010 韩志翔;江旭新*;张爱华, 2010.10, 'Employee participation in Decision Making, Psychological Ownership, and Knowledge Sharing: Mediating Role of Organizational Commitment in Taiwan High-Tech Organizations, ' International Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol.21, No.12, pp.2218-2233.(SSCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 363653, Oct. 2010
2010 韩志翔;江旭新*;张爱华, 2010.10, 'Employee participation in decision making, psychological ownership, and knowledge sharing: Mediating role of organizational commitment, ' International Journal of Human Resource Management,.(SSCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 306168, Oct. 2010
2010 3. 林修葳;陈育成;陈明进;刘启群;欧进士;简金成, 2010.10, '国内会计领域学术专业期刊评比排序之研究, ' 证券市场发展季刊, Vol.21, No.3, pp.25-66.(TSSCI), vol. 378586, Oct. 2010
2010 郑至甫*;曾彩茹;张锦双, 2010.10, '光璧企业股份有限公司-新产品开发浑沌, ' 电子商务学报, Vol.2010, No.10, pp.129-148.(TSSCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 405402, Oct. 2010
2010 Yu-Chen Wei*;韩志翔;I-Chieh Hsu, 2010.10, 'High-performance HR practices and OCB: A cross-level investigation of a casual path, ' International Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol.21, No.10, pp.1631-1648.(SSCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 321862, Oct. 2010
2010 刘孔中;方修忠, 2010.09, '中国大陆第三次电信重组与3G发照之法律问题探讨, ' 法令月刊, Vol.61, No.9, pp.82-92., vol. 345172, Sep. 2010