
年度 论文名称
2008 黄乃荧*;陈丽霞*, 2008.06, '国民中学组织变革意识型态影响变革品质路径之研究, ' 教育研究集刊, Vol.54, No.2, pp.93-136.(TSSCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 263762, Jun. 2008
2008 郭孟坤;馀清祥*, 2008.06, '电脑模拟、随机方法与人口推估的实证研究, ' 人口学刊, Vol.36, pp.67-98.(TSSCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 261844, Jun. 2008
2008 陈彩稚*;C. Pang, 2008.06, '董监事暨重要职员责任保险之需求因素分析, ' 台大管理论丛, Vol.18, No.2, pp.171-195.(TSSCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 252321, Jun. 2008
2008 陈明进, 2008.06, '管理一学门会计领域卓越研习营实纪, ' 人文与社会科学短信, Vol.9, No.3, pp.123-130., vol. 378585, Jun. 2008
2008 Chen, Y.-C.*;Tsai, W.-C.;Hu, C., 2008.05, 'The influences of interviewer-related and situational factors on interviewer reactions to high structured job interviews., ' International Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol.19, No.6, pp.1056-1071.(SSCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 259650, May. 2008
2008 Tsaih, R.*;Lin, W.Y.;Chen, H., 2008.05, 'Safeguard gaps and their managerial issues, ' Industrial Management and Data Systems, Vol.108, No.5, pp.669-676.(SCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 371172, May. 2008
2008 王文英*;李佳玲, 2008.05, '我国资讯电子业之企业重要智慧资本-外部资讯使用者与内部人士之观点, ' 当代会计, Vol.9, No.1, pp.33-68.(*为通讯作者), vol. 253722, May. 2008
2008 Chiu, C.-C.;Su, K.-P.;郑宗记;Liu, H.-C;Chang, C.-J;Huang, S.-Y.*, 2008.05, 'The effects of omega-3 fatty acids monotherapy in Alzheimer''s disease and mild cognitive impairment: A preliminary randomized double-blind placebo-controlled study, ' Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry, Vol.32, pp.1538-1544.(SCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 258388, May. 2008
2008 陈明进, 2008.05, '家庭租税规划(下), ' 美好人生, Vol.0, No.13, pp.21-22., vol. 378583, May. 2008
2008 蔡孟佳, 2008.05, '由EIU 2008年的全球电子化准备程度排名看台湾未来努力方向, ' 全球台商e焦点, No.104., vol. 252742, May. 2008