
年度 论文名称
1995 Chen, Chuen-Lung*;Vempati, V.S;Aljaber, N, 1995, 'An Application of Genetic Algorithms for Flow Shop Problems, ' European Journal of Operational Research, Vol.80, pp.389-396.(SCIE)(*为通讯作者), vol. 308533, 1995
1995 Chun Y.H.;K. Tang, 1995, 'Determining the Optimal Warranty Price in the Free replacement, Fixed period Warranty Policy, ' European Journal of Operational Research, Vol.85, No.1, pp.579-593.(SCI), vol. 409946, 1995
1995 Lien-Ti Bei;Eithel M. Simpson, 1995, 'The Determinants of Consumers'' Purchase Decisions for Recycled Products: An Application of Acquisition-Transaction Utility Theory, ' Advances in Consumer Research, Vol.12, pp.257-261.(SSCI), vol. 163364, 1995
1995 杨亨利, 1995, 'Reformulation Semantic Integrity Constraints Precisely, ' Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol.11, No.4, pp.513-540.(SCIE), vol. 118559, 1995
1995 于卓民, 1995, '织出一片天:致力于研发与技术的东荣纤维, '., vol. 119313, 1995
1995 于卓民, 1995, 'Firm Characteristics and Importing from Psychologically Distant Markets:The Case of Taiwanese Firms Importing from Europe, '., vol. 119295, 1995
1995 Merchant, K.;C. Chow;A. Wu, 1995, 'Measurement, Evaluation and Reward of Profit Center Managers: A Cross-Cultural Field Study, ' Accounting, Organization and Society, Vol.20, No.7-8, pp.619-638.(SSCI), vol. 118544, 1995
1995 杨亨利, 1995, 'Information/Knowledge Acquisition Methods for Decision Support systems and Expert Systems, ' Information Processing and Management --- An International Journal, Vol.31, No.1, pp.47-58.(SSCI), vol. 118535, 1995
1995 李仁芳, 1995, '光盘软件先驱者--丰腾科技, '., vol. 130579, 1995
1995 李仁芳, 1995, '生产合作网络的整合建构资台湾产业竞争力的基础, '., vol. 130576, 1995