
年度 论文名称
1998 管郁君, 1998, '如何以资讯和资讯科技之有效管理提昇我国高科技产业之竞争力, ' 管理论文选集, pp.841-855., vol. 322501, 1998
1998 Tsaih, R.*;Hsu, Y.;Lai, C., 1998, 'Forecasting S&P 500 Stock Index Futures with the Hybrid AI system, ' Decision Support Systems, Vol.23, No.2, pp.161-174.(SCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 135239, 1998
1998 Tsaih, R.*, 1998, 'An Explanation of Reasoning Neural Networks, ' Mathematical and Computer Modelling, Vol.28, No.2, pp.37-44.(SCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 135237, 1998
1998 Ming-Chin Chen;Sanjay Gupta, 1998, 'Evidence on the Relation between Corporate Effective Tax Rates and Firm Characteristics after TRA 86: A Simultaneous Estimation Approach, ' Proceedings of the Fourth (1998) International Conference on Contemporary Accounting Issues,., vol. 187644, 1998
1998 许崇源, 1998, '论股东可扣抵税额之会计处理(下), ' 税务旬刊, Vol.0, No.1645, pp.34-38., vol. 147103, 1998
1998 许崇源, 1998, '论股东可扣抵税额之会计处理(上), ' 税务旬刊, Vol.0, No.1644, pp.26-30., vol. 147102, 1998
1998 马秀如, 1998, '辨正证交法主管机关之可行设计, ' 会计研究月刊, No.146, pp.12-20., vol. 192421, 1998
1998 吴思华, 1998, '从经济观点看智财权保护, ' 中央研究院计算中心通讯, Vol.14, No.2, pp.13-14., vol. 404729, 1998
1998 Chow, C.;R. Hwang;W. Liao;A. Wu, 1998, 'National Culture and Subordinates'' Upward Communication of Private Information, ' The International Journal of Accounting, Vol.33, No.3, pp.293-311., vol. 147052, 1998
1998 Awasthi, V.;C. Chow;A. Wu, 1998, 'Performance Measurement and Resource Expenditure Choices in a Teamwork Environment: The Effect of National Culture., ' Management Accounting Research, Vol.9, No.2, pp.119-138., vol. 147051, 1998