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吴安妮*, 2010.07, '产学面对面:政治大学会计学系讲座教授吴安妮 VS. 汇丰汽车前总经理李荣华, ' 会计研究月刊, No.296, pp.80-85.(*为通讯作者), vol. 408910, Jul. 2010 |
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刘明得;薛慧敏*, 2010.06, 'Asymptotic and Exact Two-Sample Poisson Tests/Journal of the Chinese Statistical Association, ' Journal of the Chinese Statistical Association, Vol.48, pp.85-107.(JEL( Journal of Economic Literature), EconLit, 以及CIS)(*为通讯作者), vol. 320353, Jun. 2010 |
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郑宗记*, 2010.06, 'Discussion: The Forward Search: Theory and Data Analysis, ' Journal of the Korean Statistical Society, Vol.39, pp.153-159.(SCIE)(*为通讯作者), vol. 319038, Jun. 2010 |
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林建智*;彭金隆;杜冠民, 2010.06, '论寿险保单让售与保险法相关问题/保险专刊, ' 保险专刊, Vol.26, No.1, pp.39~63.(*为通讯作者), vol. 332231, Jun. 2010 |
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杨晓文*;馀清祥;黄泓智, 2010.06, 'Modeling Longevity Risks using a Principal Component Approach: A Comparison with Existing Stochastic Mortality Models/Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, ' Insurance: Mathematics and Economics (国科会A级期刊), Vol.46, pp.254-270.(SSCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 293947, Jun. 2010 |
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黄泓智*;李永琮, 2010.06, 'Optimal Asset Allocation for a General Portfolio of Life Insurance Policies/Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, ' Insurance: Mathematics and Economics (国科会A级期刊), Vol.46, pp.271-280.(SSCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 293946, Jun. 2010 |