
年度 论文名称
2010 Chiu, Y.C.;Lai, H.C.;Liaw, Y.C.;Lee,T.Y., 2010, 'Technological Scope: Diversified or Specialized, ' Scientometrics, Vol.82, No.1, pp.37-58.(SSCI), vol. 321531, 2010
2010 邱奕嘉;邱世宽;廖宜庆;李岱砡, 2010, '企业创业投资决策之前置因素分析, ' 政大智财评论, Vol.8, No.1, pp.118~144., vol. 321529, 2010
2010 Lai, H.C.;Chiu, Y.C.;Liaw, Y.C., 2010, 'How can external corporate venturing influence technological scope? the role of complementary assets, ' Journal of Engineering and Technology Management,.(SSCI), vol. 321516, 2010
2010 Ting, C.P.*, 2010, 'D-optimal two-level fractional factorial designs of resolution III with two dispersion factors, ' Commun. Statist. Theory & Methods, Vol.39, pp.2515-2532.(SCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 326758, 2010
2010 邱于芬;谢明华;蔡政宪, 2010, 'Valuation of Ratchet Equity-Indexed Annuities, ' 财务金融学刊,.(TSSCI)(本论着未刊登但已被接受), vol. 316351, 2010
2010 张士杰;蔡政宪;黄雅文, 2010, '通货膨胀风险、学习机制与策略性资产配置, ' 财务金融学刊,.(TSSCI)(本论着未刊登但已被接受), vol. 316350, 2010
2010 詹芳书;蔡政宪, 2010, '寿险保单准备金之有效存续期间分析, ' 财务金融学刊,.(TSSCI)(本论着未刊登但已被接受), vol. 316349, 2010
2010 王俪玲, 2010, 'A Reexamination of the Relationship between Organizational Forms and Distribution Channels in the U.S. Property Liability Insurance Industry, ' Asia-Pacific Journal of Risk and Insurance,., vol. 350951, 2010
2010 王俪玲, 2010, '退休理财与人生周期投资策略, ' 退休基金年刊, pp.41-51., vol. 331647, 2010
2010 王俪玲, 2010, 'Hedging Longevity Risk When Interest Rates are Uncertain, ' the North American Actuarial Journal,., vol. 331644, 2010