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林家庆;陈坤铭*;饶秀华, 2010, 'Exchange Rate Volatility and the Timing of Foreign Direct Investment: Market-seeking versus Export-substituting, ' Review of Development Economics, Vol.14, No.3, pp.466-486.(SSCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 290403, 2010 |
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I-Chun Tsai;Ming-Chi Chen;Tai Ma, 2010, 'Modelling House Price Volatility in the United Kingdom by Switching ARCH Models, ' Applied Economics, Vol.42, No.9, pp.1145-1153.(SSCI), vol. 405502, 2010 |
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蔡怡纯;胥爱琦;陈明吉, 2010, '不动产投资信讬基金变得更危险了吗? 亚洲市场实证研究, ' 经济与管理论丛, Vol.6, No.2, pp.271-298.(EconLit), vol. 405500, 2010 |
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Chen, Ming-Chi;Chia-Chien Chang;Shih-Kuei Lin;David Shyu, 2010, 'Estimation of Housing Price Jump Risks and Impact on the Valuation of Mortgage Insurance Contacts, ' Journal of Risk and Insurance, Vol.77, No.2, pp.399-422.(SSCI), vol. 405499, 2010 |
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蔡湘萍*;张元晨;赖冠宇, 2010, '所有权、政府监理与银行多角化绩效, ' 财务金融学刊, Vol.17, No.4.(TSSCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 306408, 2010 |
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Wu, Y. C.*;Liao, S. L.;Lin, S. K., 2010, 'Option Pricing under Levy Processes and GARCH-Levy Processes: An Empirical Analysis on TAIEX Index Options, ' Journal of Management & System, Vol.17, No.1, pp.49-74.(TSSCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 316009, 2010 |
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Wang, S. Y.*;Lin, S. K., 2010, 'The Pricing and Hedging of Structured notes with Systematic Jump Risk: An Analysis of the USD Knock-Out Reversed Swap, ' International Review of Economics and Finance, Vol.19, No.1, pp.106-118.(SSCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 315997, 2010 |
2010 |
Chen, Ming-Chi*;Chang, Chia-Chien;Lin, Shih-Kuei;Shyu, D., 2010, 'Estimation of Housing Price Jump Risks and Impact on the Valuation of Mortgage Insurance Contacts, ' Journal of Risk and Insurance, Vol.77, No.2, pp.399-422.(SSCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 315996, 2010 |
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黄台心*;张宝光, 2010, '我国某海运公司货柜定期去回程航线共同边界效率分析, ' 应用经济论丛, No.2009年特刊, pp.227-265.(TSSCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 317946, 2010 |
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张宝光*;黄台心;王士豪, 2010, '我国H海运公司货柜定期航线技术效率分析, ' 管理与系统, No.17, pp.743-764.(TSSCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 305800, 2010 |