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许永明*;Mei-Ching Chiu, 2008, 'Re-estimating the Demographic Impact on Health Care Expenditure: Evidence from Taiwan, ' Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance- Issues and Practice, Vol.33, pp.728-743.(SSCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 351118, 2008 |
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许永明*;Huang, Hung-Hsi;Pei-Syun Lin, 2008, 'HDD and CDD Option Pricing with Market Price of Weather Risk for Taiwan, ' the Journal of Futures Markets, Vol.28, No.8, pp.790-814.(SSCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 351113, 2008 |
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纪乃文*;吴芷云;林月云, 2008, 'Does training facilitate SME’s overseas performance?, ' International Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol.19, No.10, pp.1962-1975.(SSCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 295769, 2008 |
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Wu, Se-Hwa;Tsan, Wen-Nan;Chang, Chao-Ching*, 2008, 'A cross-industry comparison of intellectual capital in Taiwan, ' International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital, Vol.5, No.3/4, pp.374-386.(*为通讯作者), vol. 404722, 2008 |
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Hsiao, Ruey-Lin*;Wu, Se-Hwa;Hou, Sheng-Tsung, 2008, 'Sensitive cabbies: Ongoing sense-making within technology structuring, ' Information and Organization, No.18, pp.251-279.(SSCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 404723, 2008 |
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彭芳祺*;张金鹗;陈明吉, 2008, '不同拍卖机制对不良资产价格之影响, ' 中山管理评论, Vol.十六, No.三, pp.401-428.(TSSCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 405509, 2008 |
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Kim I.;Moskowitz H.;Plante R.;Seo H.L.;Tang K., 2008, 'The Learning Curve: Knowledge Acquisition and Its Depreciation Revisited, ' International Journal of Operations and Quantitative Management, Vol.13, No.2, pp.77-94.(SCI), vol. 409904, 2008 |
2007 |
江弥修*;岳梦兰;谢明华, 2007.12, 'An Efficient Algorithm for Basket Default Swap Valuation, ' Journal of Derivatives, Vol.15, No.2, pp.8-19.(SSCI, FLI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 233532, Dec. 2007 |