
年度 论文名称
1999 李仁芳, 1999, '财产权结构,专质性知识与管理统制效能之探索-台湾便利商店厚基组织论观点的个案研究, ' 台湾产业研究, Vol.1, No.1, pp.227-316., vol. 147665, 1999
1999 李仁芳, 1999, '多媒体软件厂商的产品创新;平台与文化, '., vol. 147640, 1999
1999 陈丽霞;苏圣珠, 1999, '存在群内相关时类别机率估计之研究, ' 统计与资讯评论, Vol.5, No.0, pp.1-18., vol. 143628, 1999
1999 馀清祥, 1999, '婚姻能延长寿命吗? ―台湾与美国的实证资料研究, ' 寿险季刊,., vol. A12118, 1999
1999 Yang, S;Yeh,C, 1999, 'Statistical process control for two streams processes, ' Journal of Quality, pp.33-40.(EI), vol. 147691, 1999
1999 王俪玲, 1999, '风险趋避程度增加对市场保险与自我保险的需求分析, ' 风险管理学报, Vol.1, No.2, pp.53-63., vol. 147359, 1999
1999 张士杰, 1999, 'Monitoring Solvency Risk of Taiwan Public Employees Retirement System using Simulation-Based Forecast Model, ' Singapore International Insurance and Actuarial Journal, Vol.3, No.1, pp.65-81., vol. 153163, 1999
1999 张士杰;郭怡馨, 1999, '保本型变额寿险之评论:理论与应用, ' Journal of Risk Management (风险管理学报), Vol.1, No.2, pp.15-40., vol. 153159, 1999
1999 张士杰, 1999, 'Optimal Pension Funding Incorporating Stochastic Simulations and Dynamic Programming, ' Asian Pacific Management Review, Vol.0, No.4, pp.1-12., vol. 153155, 1999
1999 张士杰, 1999, 'Realistic Pension Funding: A Stochastic Approach, ' Journal of Actuarial Practice,., vol. 135953, 1999