
年度 论文名称
1999 Hou,C-T;江振东;Tai,J-J, 1999, 'Testing the Nonrandomness of Choromosomal Breakpoints Using Highest Observed Breakages, ' Human Genetics, Vol.104, pp.350-355.(SCI), vol. 148123, 1999
1999 薛慧敏;Cheng, K. F., 1999, '“Correcting bias due to misclassification in the estimation of logistic regression models.”, ' Statistics & Probability Letters, Vol.0, No.44, pp.229-240.(SCIE), vol. 143590, 1999
1999 馀清祥;胡玉蕙, 1999, '从美国经验探讨抽样在普查的新角色, ' 主计月报,., vol. A12117, 1999
1999 馀清祥;连宏铭, 1999, '台湾地区死亡率现况的实证研究, ' 寿险季刊, Vol.111, pp.2-16., vol. A12116, 1999
1999 馀清祥;Clayton , M, 1999, 'Comparing the number of species in two populations: group sampling case, ' Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods, Vol.28, No.2, pp.467-477.(ACM), vol. 136261, 1999
1999 Yang,S;Liu,T, 1999, 'Economic control of two-grade products, ' Journal of Chinese Statistical Association, Vol.37, No.14, pp.349-370.(SCIE), vol. 147689, 1999
1999 Yang, S, 1999, 'An Approach to Controlling Process Variability for Short Production Runs, ' Total Quality Management Journal, Vol.10, No.0, pp.1123-1129.(SSCI), vol. 147687, 1999
1999 张士杰;林妙姗, 1999, '确定提拨方式下退休所得的风险评估, ' Journal of Risk Management (风险管理学报), Vol.1, No.0, pp.35-62., vol. 153154, 1999
1999 张士杰*, 1999, 'Optimal Pension Funding Through Dynamic Simulations: the Case of Taiwan Public Employees Retirement System, ' Insurance: Mathematics and Economic, Vol.24, No.3, pp.187-199.(SSCI, SCI)(*为通讯作者), vol. 135951, 1999
1999 谢耀龙, 1999, '台湾寿险业关系行销运用与行销绩效之研究, ' 中山管理评论, Vol.7, No.3, pp.821-846.(TSSCI), vol. 147175, 1999