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魏启林;陈建维, 1994, '美、日、欧跨国性企业之发展策略分析, ' 管理科学学报, Vol.11, No.3, pp.339-369.(TSSCI), vol. 159069, 1994 |
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赖松钟, 1994, '美国汇率与英国金价长期互动关系之研究, '., vol. 131184, 1994 |
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赖松钟;Lai, Kon S., 1994, 'Factual Structure in Currency Future Price Dynamics, '., vol. 131182, 1994 |
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吴思华, 1994, '国内产业技术研究机构统治类型之研究, ' 国立政治大学学报, No.69,Part 2, pp.165-192., vol. 135512, 1994 |
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林柏生;谢登隆, 1994, '两国单向与双向投资之研究-小国情况, ' 中国经济学会年会论文集(后改为台湾经济学会论文集), pp.183-209.(TSSCI观察名单), vol. 253001, 1994 |
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吴思华, 1994, '产业经理与产业合作网络体系, ' 台湾经济研究月刊, Vol.17, No.10, pp.21-23., vol. 404732, 1994 |
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Hart, S.M;Chen, Chuen-Lung*, 1994, 'Simulated Annealing and the Mapping Problem: A Computational Study, ' Computers & Operations Research, Vol.21, No.4, pp.455-461.(SCIE)(*为通讯作者), vol. 308536, 1994 |
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Chen, Chuen-Lung;Bulfin, R.L*, 1994, 'Scheduling a Single Machine to Minimize Two Criteria: Maximum Tardiness and Number of Tardy Jobs, ' IIE Transactions, Vol.26, No.5, pp.76-84.(SCIE)(*为通讯作者), vol. 308535, 1994 |
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谢耀龙, 1994, 'Personal Relationship and Its Influence on Export Behavior: An Empirical Study, '., vol. 129763, 1994 |
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吴思华;黄竿民, 1994, '台湾地区企业经理人公务事务处理模式之研究, ' 中国行政, No.56, pp.101-122., vol. 135513, 1994 |