
搜寻类别: 关键字搜寻: Clear
年度 论文名称
2010 林良枫*;夏雯俐, 2010.06, '职业运动员重签薪资与绩效之关联性-以美国MLB为例, ' 第三届中国会计与财务国际论坛暨第二届海峡两岸会计学术研讨会论文集, 国立政治大学会计系、彰化师范大学管理学院、中国会计学、南京大学会计与财务研究院、财团法人᣼, pp.A6-4 1-32.(*为通讯作者), Jun. 2010
2010 Chou Robin K.;Shin-Rong Shiah-Hou, 2010.06, 'Board Structure, Analyst Coverage, and Analyst Forecast Error, ' EFMA Annual Meeting, Aarhus, Denmark., Jun. 2010
2010 Hung, W.H.;Ho, C.T.;Chang, L.M.;Chiang, M.C, 2010.05, 'Understanding How ERP Success in SMEs from the Perspectives of Service Quality and Social Cognitive Theory., ' Proceeding of The 21st International Conference on Information Management, 中华民国资讯管理学会., May. 2010
2010 温肇东, 2010.05, '文化创意产业智慧财产保护与经营-华山 1914 创意文化园区的品牌发展研究, ' 第八届海峡两岸智慧财权学术交流研讨会, 政大智慧财产研究所,政大科技管理研究所., May. 2010
2010 廖培珊;江振东;左宗光;林定香*;李隆安;翁宏明, 2010.05, '处理葛特曼量表之拒答:简易、多重与最邻近插补法之比较, ' 2010中华机率统计学会年会暨学术研讨会.(*为通讯作者), May. 2010
2010 江振东*;陈珍信;费诗元, 2010.05, 'Multiple Imputation for Missing Covariates in Contingency Valuation Survey, ' 2010中华机率统计学会年会暨学术研讨会.(*为通讯作者), May. 2010
2010 Yang, S*;Cheng, S;Tsai, W.;Huang, Z, 2010.05, 'New Variables Mean Control Charts, ' Samina of Statistics, Manitoba, CA, Stat. dept., Manitoba.(*为通讯作者), May. 2010
2010 Yang, S*;Cheng, S, 2010.05, 'New Variables Nonparametric Control Charts, ' SSC, SSC.(*为通讯作者), May. 2010
2010 张冠群, 2010.05, 'The Insurability of Terrorism Risk and the Response of Laws and Regulations, ' 7th ASLI Annual Conference, Asian Law Institute., May. 2010
2010 谢耀龙*, 2010.05, 'Night Markets and International Students: Implications for Tourism Marketing, ' The 9th Biennial Conference on Tourism and Hospitality Industry in Asia.(*为通讯作者), May. 2010