2010 |
高鸿翔*;李仁芳, 2010, '从颠复式创新中获利, ' 2010年中华民国科技管理学会年会暨论文研讨会论文集, 中华民国科技管理学会.(*为通讯作者), 2010 |
2010 |
陈明吉;蔡绣容;杨智元;陈昱亨, 2010, '次级房贷风暴期间是否存在蔓延效果?REITs市场之系统风险与预期报酬之关系, ' 世界华人不动产学会第二届年会, 世界华人不动产学会., 2010 |
2010 |
杨智元;陈明吉;黄玮苓;魏安平, 2010, 'Asymmetric Dynamic Relationship between Housing Prices and Household Credit: Evidence from Taiwan, ' 世界华人不动产学会第二届年会, 世界华人不动产学会., 2010 |
2010 |
蔡怡纯;程天富;陈明吉, 2010, 'Housing market booms and busts: regime-switching expectations of investors, ' 世界华人不动产学会第二届年会, 世界华人不动产学会第二届年会., 2010 |
2010 |
吴仰哲;邱圣贤;林金源;陈明吉, 2010, 'Valuing mortgage insurance contracts with foreclosure risk under the reduced-form default probability, ' 世界华人不动产学会第二届年会, 世界华人不动产学会., 2010 |
2010 |
林士贵;蔡怡纯;庄明哲;陈明吉, 2010, '景气循环下不动产抵押贷款保险之评价:房价指数之实证, ' 世界华人不动产学会第二届年会(最佳论文奖), 世界华人不动产学会., 2010 |
2010 |
Chen Lung Chin;H.W Lin;Y. Shu, 2010, 'On the association between under-pricing in IPOs and mandatory management forecast: evidence from an emerging market, ' International Accounting Section of the 2004 AAA Annual Meeting, *.(SSCI), 2010 |
2010 |
Randel*;Amy E;Kimberly S. Jaussi;A. Wu, 2010, 'When does being creative lead to being rated as creative?, ' 2010 Academy of Management Annual Meeting., Academy of Management.(*为通讯作者), 2010 |
2010 |
I-Chun Tsai;Tien Foo Sing;Ming-Chi Chen, 2010, 'Housing market booms and busts: regime-switching expectations of investors, ' The 15th Asian Real Estate Society (AsRES) Annual Conference, AsRES., 2010 |
2010 |
Chow, C*;K. Haddad;A. Wu, 2010, 'Competitive Strategies and Company Performance: A Study of Taiwanese Firms following U.S., Japanese, and Taiwanese Type Competitive Strategies., ' Thirty Ninth Annual Meeting of WDSI, Western Decision Sciences Institute.(*为通讯作者), 2010 |