2009 |
王俪玲*, 2009.08, 'Optimal Liability Allocation under Mortality Parameter Uncertainty: Conditional Value-at-Risk Approach, ' Annual Conference of American Risk and Insurance Association in Providence.(*为通讯作者), Aug. 2009 |
2009 |
陈彩稚*;J. Chang, 2009.08, 'Board Composition and Firm Value with the Effect of Directors’ & Officers’ Insurance, ' American Risk and Insurance Association 2009 Annual Meeting.(*为通讯作者), Aug. 2009 |
2009 |
H. Lu*;N. Huang;S. Li;Z. Zhang;陈彩稚;H. Chen, 2009.08, 'Recognizing Firm-Specific Risk Statements in News Articles, ' American Accounting Association 2009 Annual Meeting.(*为通讯作者), Aug. 2009 |
2009 |
H. Chen;陈彩稚;Y. Hsieh;S. Li*, 2009.08, 'The Use of Text Mining Techniques in Assessing Enterprise Risk, ' American Accounting Association 2009 Annual Meeting.(*为通讯作者), Aug. 2009 |
2009 |
姜国辉*;尹其言, 2009.08, '电子商务的趋势分析与文献成长力研究, ' 信息管理与信息系统:前沿理论、方法与应用, 中国同济大学, pp.350-356.(CIP)(*为通讯作者), Aug. 2009 |
2009 |
姜国辉*;郭镇武, 2009.08, 'U化故宫之应用探讨, ' 信息管理与信息系统:前沿理论、方法与应用, 中国同济大学, pp.360-364.(CIP)(*为通讯作者), Aug. 2009 |
2009 |
姜国辉*;郭镇武;蔡依儒, 2009.08, '品牌行销与数码内容授权 - 以故宫博物院为例, ' 信息管理与信息系统:前沿理论、方法与应用, 中国同济大学, pp.432-437.(CIP)(*为通讯作者), Aug. 2009 |
2009 |
姜国辉*;刘彦辰, 2009.08, '建构一个智慧型以物易物电子商务平台, ' 信息管理与信息系统:前沿理论、方法与应用, 中国同济大学, pp.356-360.(CIP)(*为通讯作者), Aug. 2009 |
2009 |
杨亨利*;赵逢毅, 2009.08, '两岸三地问答平台之比较初探, ' 第十五届海峡两岸资讯管理发展策略研讨会.(*为通讯作者), Aug. 2009 |
2009 |
Ghosh, D.*;A. Wu;J. W. Liang, 2009.08, 'The Effect of Team Performance and Common Uncertainty on Individual Incentives: A Field Study., ' he 2009 AAA Annual Meeting, AAA.(*为通讯作者), Aug. 2009 |