
搜寻类别: 关键字搜寻: Clear
年度 论文名称
2009 张冠群, 2009.04, '气候变迁对责任保险法制之影响, ' 2009赵德书教授荣退暨财经法新趋势研讨会, 国立政治大学法学院, pp.2-5-1 ~2-5-29., Apr. 2009
2009 H. Lu*;N. Huang;Z. Zhang;陈彩稚, 2009.04, 'Identifying Firm-Specific Risk Statements in News Articles, ' Pacific Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining.(*为通讯作者), Apr. 2009
2009 K. Chen*;陈彩稚;J. Yen, 2009.04, 'Predicting Future Earnings Change Using Numerical and Textual Information in Financial Reports, ' Pacific Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining.(*为通讯作者), Apr. 2009
2009 傅冶天*, 2009.04, '世界金融海啸对两岸关系的启示 / 两岸经贸与教育合作论坛, ' 两岸经贸与教育合作论坛, Dept. of Diplomacy, the Center for WTO Studies, College of International Affairs, National Chengchi.(*为通讯作者), Apr. 2009
2009 傅冶天*, 2009.04, 'Governance, Decision Quality and Prospect on Regulations during and after Wall Street Credit Crisis in September 2008, ' WESTERN DECISION SCIENCES INSTITUTE: Thirty-Eighth Annual Meeting, April 7-11, 2009, WESTERN DECISION SCIENCES INSTITUTE.(*为通讯作者), Apr. 2009
2009 傅冶天*, 2009.04, 'Financing Services from Major Retailing Chains: A Case Study of some seemingly flawed program, ' WESTERN DECISION SCIENCES INSTITUTE: Thirty-Eighth Annual Meeting, April 7-11, 2009, WESTERN DECISION SCIENCES INSTITUTE.(*为通讯作者), Apr. 2009
2009 Y.C. Hung*, 2009.04, 'Design of Efficient Methodology for Target Region Estimation in Computer Experiments, ' The 5th statistics and Machine Learning Workshop, Academia Sinica.(*为通讯作者), Apr. 2009
2009 洪德钦, 2009.04, 'Discussion Paper on Food Safety System in the European Union, ' Expert Meeting at the European Food Safety Authority, EFSA., Apr. 2009
2009 杨亨利;郑秀华*, 2009.04, '影响学生团队对资讯系统开发的集体创意效能之因素探讨, ' 第十一届全国资讯管理博士生学术交流研讨会.(*为通讯作者), Apr. 2009
2009 洪叔民*, 2009.04, 'The behavior and preferences of users on web 2.0 social network sites: An empirical study, ' Proceedings of ITNG 2009, IEEE Computer Society, pp.E1-E6.(EI, IEEE)(*为通讯作者), Apr. 2009