
搜寻类别: 关键字搜寻: Clear
年度 论文名称
2009 Lin, T.Y.;Lin, C.Y.Y., 2009, 'Cultural Congruence and Firm Performance: A Cross-cultural Comparison, ' the AIB 2009 San Diego Conference., 2009
2009 Wei, Y.C.;Egri, C.;Lin, C.Y.Y., 2009, 'Do corporate social responsibility practices make a difference in eastern and western contexts?, ' 2009 Academy of Management Annual Meeting (AOM)., 2009
2009 Hsu, Mu-Yen;L. K. Chen;Chuang H. C.;Shia B. C.;Cheng Y. T.;Wu S. H., 2009, 'R&D Cooperation Linkages in Taiwan Innovation System, '., 2009
2009 Shang, Shari S. C.;Wu, Se-Hwa;Yao, Chen-Yen, 2009, 'Managing Knowledge Complementarity for Open Innovation, ' Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management., 2009
2009 Chang;Wang;Yu*, 2009, 'The pricing of intellectual capital in the IT industry, ' The 2009 AAA Annual Meeting, American Accounting Association.(*为通讯作者), 2009
2009 Chang, W.*;T. Kuo;A. Wu., 2009, 'The Successes in Long-Term Implementation of Balanced Scorecard: A Healthcare Organization Study., ' 2009会计理论与实务研讨会, 台湾金融管理委员会.(*为通讯作者), 2009
2009 吴安妮;Ghosh, D.;L. Lee., 2009, 'Contemporaneous and Forward-Looking Measures: Implications for Incentive Structure for Long-Horizon Employees., ' The AAA 2009 Management Accounting Section (MAS) Meeting, January.., 2009
2009 吴安妮;107. Balakrishnan, R.;S. Hsieh, 2009, 'Subjective Bonus Payments and Multiple Performance Measures., ' The AAA 2009 Management Accounting Section (MAS) Meeting, January.., 2009
2009 Tsai, W. C.;Huang, T. C.;Liu, P. T., 2009, 'Is being informative enough? The effect of interviewer impression management on applicant attraction, ' the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, the Academy of Management., 2009
2009 甘龄珺;郑宇庭, 2009, '应用资料采矿技术于自行车产业, ' 第六届中国数据挖掘与商业智能研讨会暨海峡两岸应用统计研讨会, 北京人民大学., 2009