
搜寻类别: 关键字搜寻: Clear
年度 论文名称
2009 陈冠宇;郑宇庭;蔡纹琦, 2009, '新巴赛尔资本协定下应用资料采矿模型建置台湾中小企业信用评等模型, ' 第二届金融数据挖掘研讨会, 厦门大学., 2009
2009 谢尚文;郑宇庭;蔡纹琦, 2009, '资料采矿应用于信用风险模型建置-以中小企业服务业为例, ' 第二届金融数据挖掘研讨会, 厦门大学., 2009
2009 杨建民;郭镇武;张明治;林国平, 2009, 'E-Learning : The Strategies of Learning Culture and Arts, ' 2009 Edutainment., 2009
2009 杨建民;廖伟成;尹其言;吴文进, 2009, 'Trend Analysis of Machine Learning – A Text Mining And Document Clustering Methodology, ' The 2009 International Conference on New Trends in Information and Service Science)., 2009
2009 吴安妮;Yu, S.;J. W. Liang, 2009, 'The Impact of Industrial Clusters and Social Networks on Firm Performance in China., ' The AAA 2009 Management Accounting Section (MAS) Meeting, January.., 2009
2009 Gong, Y.;Sally, S. Y.;Huang, J. C., 2009, 'Proactive Personality, Social Capital and Employee Creativity, ' 2009 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Academy of Management., 2009
2009 Yu, S.*;J. W. Liang;A. Wu, 2009, 'The Impact of Industrial Clusters and Social Networks on Firm Performance in China., ' he 2009 Second Knowledge Cities Summit., the Shenzhen Municipal People’s Government, World Capital Institute and the New Club of Paris,.(*为通讯作者), 2009
2009 罗浩祯;郑宇庭, 2009, '应用资料采矿技术建置中小企业信用评等模型-以传统产业为例, ' 第二届金融数据挖掘研讨会, 厦门大学., 2009
2009 谢欣芸;郑宇庭;薛慧敏, 2009, '导入资料采矿技术于中小企业信用风险模型之建置-以营造业为例, ' 第二届金融数据挖掘研讨会, 厦门大学., 2009
2009 甘龄珺;郑宇庭, 2009, '应用资料采矿技术于自行车产业, ' 第二届金融数据挖掘研讨会, 厦门大学., 2009