
搜寻类别: 关键字搜寻: Clear
年度 论文名称
2008 Y.C. Hung*, 2008.10, 'Stability and Control of Acyclic Stochastic Processing Networks with Shared Resources, ' The 8th Applied Probability Workshop, Applied Math Department, National Donghua University.(*为通讯作者), Oct. 2008
2008 郑宇庭, 2008.10, '中小企业新巴赛尔协定之信用评等模型研究, ' 第二届中国统计学年会, 浙江工商大学., Oct. 2008
2008 张冠群, 2008.10, '碳信用交易之理论与法制分析, ' 九十七学年度第一学期财经法律论坛, 中正大学法学院., Oct. 2008
2008 张冠群(Kuan-Chun Chang), 2008.10, 'The Status Quo and the Future of Laws and Regulations Regarding the Supervisions of Financial Holding Companies in Taiwan, ' Legal Issues of International Money Shift, Ajuo University, Korea, pp.3-1 ~ 3-23., Oct. 2008
2008 王俪玲, 2008.10, 'Corporate Governance and Efficiency: Evidence from the U.S. Property-Liability Insurance Industry, ' 第八届风险管理与保险学系, 国立政治大学风险管理与保险学系., Oct. 2008
2008 Hsiao, Shu-ling*;Yang, Heng-Li, 2008.10, 'Proof-of-service Mechanism in Service Innovation— A Case Study in Smart Pay Living Lab Project, ' 2008 Frontiers in Service Conference.(*为通讯作者), Oct. 2008
2008 洪德钦, 2008.10, '欧盟东扩对欧元区的意涵与影响, ' 欧盟东扩研究学术研讨会, 中央研究院欧美研究所., Oct. 2008
2008 傅冶天*, 2008.10, 'How much does corporate governance matter? An in-depth study of two local champions, China’s China Merchant Bank and India’s ICICI Bank., ' 2008 Symposium on Corporate Governance in China and India, Symposium on Corporate Governance in China and India.(*为通讯作者), Oct. 2008
2008 傅冶天*, 2008.10, 'Comparative Study of Corporate Governance in China’s State Financial Enterprises and that of Banks in United States, Japan, and Singapore, ' 2008 Symposium on Corporate Governance in China and India, Symposium on Corporate Governance in China and India.(*为通讯作者), Oct. 2008
2008 黄国峯*, 2008.10, 'Multiple-Source R&D Collaboration, Exploration and Exploitation, and Firm Performance, ' 台大管理论丛特刊:资讯通讯科技与企业竞争力管理专题研讨会, 台大管理论丛.(TSSCI)(*为通讯作者), Oct. 2008