
搜寻类别: 关键字搜寻: Clear
年度 论文名称
2008 Shang, Shari S. C.;Wu, Se-Hwa;Yao, Chen-Yen, 2008, 'A Dynamic Innovation Model for Managing Capabilities of Innovation, ' The Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology., 2008
2008 陈意文;吴思华;樊学良, 2008, '创新产品的资源拼凑与价值创造机制:资源基础观点, ' 国际创新管理专业协会研讨会., 2008
2008 吴安妮;Lee, C.;C. S. Ou, 2008, 'The Interaction Effect of Capacity Utilization and Quality on Manufacturing Costs: An Examination of the Continuous Production Environment., ' The 2nd Symposium of China Journal of Accounting Research, December.., 2008
2008 吴安妮;Yu-Ching Wu, 2008, 'Information Asymmetry, Bargaining Power, and Customer Profitability: An Empirical Investigation on Bank-Client Relationship., ' The 2008 AAA Annual Meeting, August.., 2008
2008 吴安妮;Schulz;Axel;Chee Chow, 2008, 'Environmental Uncertainty, Comprehensive Performance Measurement Systems, Performance-Based Compensation, and Organizational Performance., ' The 2008 AAA Annual Meeting, August.., 2008
2008 Tsai, W. C.;Huang, T. C.;Wu, C. Y.;Lo, I. H., 2008, 'Disentangling the effects of applicant defensive impression management tactics in job interviews, ' the Asia Academy of Management Bi-Annual Meeting, the Asia Academy of Management., 2008
2008 Chi, N. W.;Tsai, W. C., 2008, 'A multilevel investigation of mechanisms and boundary conditions of the linkage between positive group affective tone and team creativity, ' the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, the Academy of Management., 2008
2008 Posthuma, R. A;Lievens, F.;Schollaert, E.;Tsai, W. C.;Levashina, J.;Garcia, M. F., 2008, 'Comparing employment interviews across countries and cultures, ' the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, the Academy of Management., 2008
2008 梁嘉纹;Chin,C.L.;J.W.Liang;M.F.Lin, 2008, 'Does Foreign Insitution Ownership Motivate Firms in Emerging Markets to Increase Voluntary Disclosure?, ' 2008 AAA Annual Meeting., 2008
2008 梁嘉纹, 2008, 'R&D Activities and Executive Compensation, ' 2008 AAA Annual Meeting., 2008