2007 |
陈恭;翁书钧;Meng Wang;Siau Cheng Khoo;陈忠信, 2007.08, 'A Compilation Model for Aspect-Oriented Polymorphically Typed Functional Languages, ' Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4634, The Technical University of Denmark, pp.34-51.(EI, DBLP, CITESEEN), Aug. 2007 |
2007 |
Hou, Sheng-Tsung*;Se-Hwa Wu;Mu-Yen Hsu, 2007.08, 'Does Psychological Ownership Matter in the Context of Franchise Organization?, ' Academy of Management(AOM) Annual Meeting, Academy of Management(AOM).(SSCI)(*为通讯作者), Aug. 2007 |
2007 |
Hsu, Mu-Yen*;Ming-Jer Chen, 2007.08, 'Toward A Formal Model of Competitor Analysis and Interfirm Rivalry:Revisiting Chen (1996), ' Academy of Management(AOM) Annual Meeting, Academy of Management (AOM).(SSCI)(*为通讯作者), Aug. 2007 |
2007 |
HSIAO, R.L.;LEE, C.;TSAI, S., 2007.08, 'The Discovery of Boundary: Cross Boundary-spanning for Handling Ill-structured Problems, ' Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Doing Well By Doing Good"., Aug. 2007 |
2007 |
HSIAO, R.L.;HOU, S.T.;WU, W., 2007.08, 'Critical Curse: Innovation Diffusion and Vagies of SocialIinfluences in Diverse Communities, ' Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Doing Well By Doing Good"., Aug. 2007 |
2007 |
Lai, H.C.;Chiu, Y.C.;Liaw, Y.C.;Lee, T.Y., 2007.08, 'The Impacts of Technological Diversification and Complementary Assets on Divisionalization, ' Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management., Aug. 2007 |
2007 |
Chiu, Y.C.;Lai, H.C.;Lee, T.Y.;Liaw,Y.C., 2007.08, 'Technological Diversification, Complementary Assets, and Performance, ' Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management., Aug. 2007 |
2007 |
Chiu, Y.C.;Lai, H.C.;Lee, T.Y.;Liaw, Y.C., 2007.08, 'Technological Scope: Diversified or Specialized?, ' Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management., Aug. 2007 |
2007 |
林伯修;谢邦昌;朱建平;董春;郑宇庭, 2007.08, '应用数据挖掘技术于银行客户分析之研究, ' 2007统计教育国际高级论坛, 内蒙古财经学院., Aug. 2007 |
2007 |
Shari S.C. Shang;Chih-hsien Hsu, 2007.08, 'Reap from ERP Systems – The Management of Absorptive Capacity in Post-ERP Implementation, ' Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2007)., Aug. 2007 |