
搜寻类别: 关键字搜寻: Clear
年度 论文名称
2006 Hsin-Lu Chang*;Iris Chiu;Ching-Mei Tseng;Kai Wang, 2006.12, 'The Assessment of the Business-IT Fit in E-Procurement Systems: A Case Study, ' Proceedings of Pre-ICIS Workshop on E-Business, AIS.(AIS)(*为通讯作者), Dec. 2006
2006 Hsin-Lu Chang*;Huai-Chia Weng;Chien-Hui Chen;Cheng-Hsuan Su, 2006.12, 'Resource-based View of the Inter-organizational Information System Capability: A Field Study in Taiwan PC Industry, ' Proceedings of Pre-ICIS Workshop on E-Business, AIS.(AIS)(*为通讯作者), Dec. 2006
2006 裘锦天;程裕繁, 2006.12, 'Improving the Deployability of Existing Windows-Based Client/Server Business Information Systems Using ActiveX, ' 3rd International Conference on Distributed Computing and Internet Technology, Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology, Bhubaneswar, India, pp.249-263., Dec. 2006
2006 Yu, Chien-Chih*;Chang, Hsiao-Ping, 2006.12, 'B2C Mobile E-Tourism Service Classification, ' Proceedings of the Twelfth Information Management Practice Conference, Chinese Society of Information Management.(*为通讯作者), Dec. 2006
2006 洪德钦, 2006.12, 'What Lessons of the EU Model for a Taiwan-China Trade Agreement, ' International Conference on EU Relations with Taiwan and China, IEAS, Academia Sinica., Dec. 2006
2006 蔡孟佳, 2006.12, '中国入世对其新农村建设之影响:论农产品市场开放与中国农村劳动就业, ' 「新世纪中国农村建设」研讨会, 政治大学国际关系研究中心., Dec. 2006
2006 Chih-Yung Lin;谢淑贞*, 2006.12, 'Nonlinear Correlated Defaults with Copulas, '.(*为通讯作者), Dec. 2006
2006 洪叔民*;陈国祥;周凌峰, 2006.12, '设计产业的发展与未来-以浩汉设计为例, ' 第十二届服务业管理个案集, 国立政治大学企管系, pp.8~1-8~30.(*为通讯作者), Dec. 2006
2006 黄国峯*;陈盈妘, 2006.12, '从竞争模型分析台湾电信产业的创价机会-以大众电信为例, ' 第十二届服务业管理研讨会, 国立政治大学企业管理系所.(*为通讯作者), Dec. 2006
2006 张爱华;魏圣忠;孙国宁;杨愼淇;陈莞儒, 2006.12, '顾客资本的创造与管理—以电信业为例, ' 第十二届服务业管理研讨会个案集., Dec. 2006