
搜寻类别: 关键字搜寻: Clear
年度 论文名称
2006 Chiu, Y.C.;Chiao, Y.C.;Liaw, Y.C., 2006.11, 'A Three-stage Theory of Technological Innovation: The Link between R&D and Performance in High-tech Firms., ' R&D Management Conference., Nov. 2006
2006 谌家兰*, 2006.11, 'A selection model for business data mining applications, ' The 37th Decision Science Institute (DSI) Annual Meeting, Decision Science Institute.(DSI)(*为通讯作者), Nov. 2006
2006 陈恭*;张渊钧;王大为, 2006.10, 'Adaptable Access Control for Electronic Medical Records, ' Proceedings of the Asia-Pacific Association Medical Informatics 2006, pp.200-207.(*为通讯作者), Oct. 2006
2006 冯震宇, 2006.10, '开放原始码之法律风险与因应策略, ' 公开软件与智慧财产研讨会., Oct. 2006
2006 郑宇庭, 2006.10, '智慧财产权刑事案件在台湾法院之审理, ' 第一届中国统计学年会, 天津财经大学., Oct. 2006
2006 林建智, 2006.10, 'Taiwan Residential Earthquake Insurance System: Reform and Transition, ' 10th Annual Conference Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance Association, Tokyo, Japan., Oct. 2006
2006 苏家弘;林我聪*, 2006.10, '应用灰色区间数修正模糊层级分析法进行供应商评选, ' 2006年产学合作产业电子化研讨会论文集.(*为通讯作者), Oct. 2006
2006 Yu, Chien-Chih*;Wang, Hsing-I, 2006.10, 'Analyzing Strategic Gaps of Digital Divide Projects Based on the Balanced Scorecard, ' Proceedings of the Sixth IFIP International Conference on e-Commerce, e-Business, and e-Government.(*为通讯作者), Oct. 2006
2006 Yu, Chien-Chih*;Wang, Cheng-Su, 2006.10, 'A Hybrid Mining Approach for Optimizing Returns Policies in eRetailing, ' Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Economics and Finance (EI), pp.38-41.(EI)(*为通讯作者), Oct. 2006
2006 郑宗记*;温伟任;林芳如, 2006.10, '台湾制造业之中小企业市场占有率分析—分量回归之应用, ' 第一届中国统计学年会, 中国统计学年会筹备委员会.(*为通讯作者), Oct. 2006