
搜寻类别: 关键字搜寻: Clear
年度 论文名称
2013 洪为玺;杨恒, 2013.04, '消费者对于智慧型手机平台的采纳决策之研 究-以Android平台为例, ' 第七届资讯科技国际研讨会, 朝阳科技大学资讯学院/资讯管理系., Apr. 2013
2013 MingHua Hsieh;JinLung Peng;Chenghsien Tsai*;Jennifer L. Wang, 2013.04, 'Explaining the Rate Spreads of Life Settlements, ' Risk Theory Seminar, Temple University.(*为通讯作者), Apr. 2013
2013 Fang Yu*;Hsin-YinHuang;Li-Ching Chiou;Rua-Huan Tsaih, 2013.04, 'Clustering iOS executable using self-organizing maps, ' The 2013 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, International Neural Network Society (INNS).(*为通讯作者), Apr. 2013
2013 Fang Yu*;Yat-Wah Wan;Rua-Huan Tsaih, 2013.04, 'Quantitative Analysis of Cloud-based Streaming Services, ' 10th International Conference on Services Computing, IEEE Computer Society''s Technical Committee on Services Computing.(*为通讯作者), Apr. 2013
2013 Shih-Kuei Lin*;Hsing-Hua Chang;Yu-Shiou Shiu;Jin Lung Peng, 2013.04, 'Are there regime-switching risks and jump risks in index?, ' International Conference on Business and Information, International Business Academics Consortium.(*为通讯作者), Apr. 2013
2013 Huang, J. C.*;Huang, C. Y.;Hung, H. F., 2013.04, 'The impact of fit between strategy and HRM practices on individual outcomes: The mediating effects of role ambiguity and role conflict, ' ILERA 2013 8th Asian Regional Congress, International Labour and Employment Relations Association.(*为通讯作者), Apr. 2013
2013 Hsieh, Ming-Hua;Jin-Lung Peng;Chenghsien Tsai;Jennifer L. Wang*, 2013.04, 'Explaining the Rate Spreads on Life Settlements, ' American Risk and Insurance Association Annual Meeting, American Risk and Insurance Association.(*为通讯作者), Apr. 2013
2013 林建良*;杨亨利, 2013.04, '为何人们要购买消费性电子产品─以创新特质及消费者价值理论为基础, ' 2013第七届资讯科技国际研讨会, 朝阳科技大学.(*为通讯作者), Apr. 2013
2013 Xu, K.*;Huang, K.F., 2013.04, 'The Effect of Competitor Orientation on Horizontal Alliances within Different Ownership Types, ' JBR Special Issue Conference; GMU’s “Competing in China” Conference, Journal of Business Research.(SSCI)(*为通讯作者), Apr. 2013
2013 Gao, Y.*;Zhou, Y.;Gao, S.;Huang, K.F., 2013.04, 'The Impact of Institutional Capital on Firm Radical Innovation in Multi-Level Institutional Environments: An Institutional-Based RBV perspective, ' JBR Special Issue Conference; GMU’s “Competing in China” Conference, Journal of Business Research.(SSCI)(*为通讯作者), Apr. 2013