
搜寻类别: 关键字搜寻: Clear
年度 论文名称
2011 Y.C. Hung*, 2011.10, 'A Dynamic Scheduling Policy for Switched Processing Systems, ' The International Symposium on Innovative Management, Information & Production, Otaru University of Commerce, Japan, pp.133-139.(*为通讯作者), Oct. 2011
2011 Yang, S.*;Yang, C., 2011.10, 'Process Control Using A New Loss Chart (EI), ' IEEE proceedings of 2011 CET, IEEE, pp.102-105.(EI)(*为通讯作者), Oct. 2011
2011 张冠群, 2011.10, '台湾金融消费者保护法第九条关于商品适合性义务之分析, ' 两岸金融消费者保护法制研讨会, 西北政法大学经济法学院., Oct. 2011
2011 Yang, Heng-Li;Chao,August F.Y.*, 2011.10, 'Agent-based Modeling of Knowledge Sharing and Used-Car Market, ' The 4th International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence Applications for E-services at the 16th North-East Asia Symposium on Nano, Information Technology and Reliability.(EI)(*为通讯作者), Oct. 2011
2011 Lin, Qing-Feng*;Yang, Heng-Li, 2011.10, 'Simulating Sharing Behavior in Social Networking Sites, ' ICMIA2011 (The 3rd International Conference on Data Mining and Intelligent Information Technology).(EI)(*为通讯作者), Oct. 2011
2011 Lin, Chien-Liang*;Yang, Heng-Li;Yen, Wan-Chu, 2011.10, 'Trend Analysis of Virtual Community Productivity Based on SSCI Database by Bibliometric Methodology, ' NISS2011 (The 5th International Conference on New trends in Information and Service Science).(EI)(*为通讯作者), Oct. 2011
2011 Yang, Heng-Li;Lin, Han-Chou*;Huang, Stevenson, 2011.10, 'Forecasting Exchange Rate Using EMD and BPNN Optimized by Particle Swarm Optimization, ' ICMIA2011 (The 3rd International Conference on Data Mining and Intelligent Information Technology).(EI)(*为通讯作者), Oct. 2011
2011 Hong-Yi Chen*;Sheng-Syan Chen;Cin-Wen Hsin;Cheng-Few Lee, 2011.10, 'Price, earnings, and revenue momentum strategies., ' - The Financial Management Association Annual Meeting, Financial Management Association.(*为通讯作者), Oct. 2011
2011 Cheng-Few Lee*;Manak C. Gupta;Hong-Yi Chen;Alice Lee, 2011.10, 'Optimal payout ratio under uncertainty and flexibility hypothesis: Theory and empirical evidence., ' - The Financial Management Association Annual Meeting, Financial Management Association.(*为通讯作者), Oct. 2011
2011 Konan Chan;David Ikenberry;Inmoo Lee;Yanzhi Wang, 2011.10, 'Informed Traders: Linking Legal Insider Trading and Share Repurchases, ' 2011 FMA meeting., Oct. 2011