
搜寻类别: 关键字搜寻: Clear
年度 论文名称
2009 陈婷妤;杨建民, 2009.06, 'SSCI中有关本体论主题的文献成长力研究, ' 2009数码科技与创新管理研讨会论文集, 华梵大学, pp.713 ~ 724., Jun. 2009
2009 谢沛宏;林占山;杨建民, 2009.06, '以社会网络分析理论与资讯计量学分析探讨部落格追踪, ' 第20届国际资讯管理学术研讨会ICIM论文集, 中华民国资讯管理学会., Jun. 2009
2009 洪德钦, 2009.06, 'Discussion Paper on Draft Recommendation of the Report of the Biotechnology and International Law Committee, ILA, ' ILA Biotechnology and International Law Workshop, Bern: World Trade Institute., Jun. 2009
2009 陈坤铭*;蔡孟佳;林家庆, 2009.06, 'The Impact of Cross-Strait Trade Liberalization: A Computable General Equilibrium Analysis, ' 2009 RCIE Conference- China and the Global Economy: Economic Integration and Protectionism, RCIE, University of International Business and Economics, Beijing, China.(*为通讯作者), Jun. 2009
2009 蔡孟佳, 2009.06, '台湾应如何加强与印度及斯里兰卡的经贸关系?, ' 印度国会大选及斯里兰卡政局发展, 国立政治大学国际事务学院印度研究中心., Jun. 2009
2009 Li_Ting Chiu;Len-Kuo Hu, 2009.06, 'Asset Pricing and Systematic Liquidity Risk in Taiwan Stock Market, ' The Fifth Asia-Pacific Economic Association (APEA) Annual Meeting, APEA., Jun. 2009
2009 Yu-Shiu Lin;Len-Kuo Hu, 2009.06, 'Optimal Bank Regulation in an Economic Boom and Recession, ' The Fifth Asia-Pacific Economic Association (APEA) Annual Meeting, APEA., Jun. 2009
2009 Lo, S. M.*;Power, D. J., 2009.06, 'Linking Fisher''s (1997) Model with Business Performance, ' Proceedings of the 16th International Annual EurOMA Conference.(*为通讯作者), Jun. 2009
2009 Li, P.Y.*;Huang, K.F.;Xu, K.;Yu, C.M.J., 2009.06, 'Local Connection and Local Competition on Innovation: A Comparative Study of Local and Foreign Firms in China, ' 2009 Academy of International Business (AIB) Conference, Academy of International Business.(SSCI)(*为通讯作者), Jun. 2009
2009 Y.C. Hung*, 2009.06, 'Uniform Design over General Input Domains with Applications to Computer Experiments, ' The 18th South Taiwan Statistics Conference, 国立中山大学应用数学系.(*为通讯作者), Jun. 2009