2006 |
Chen, Wei-Peng;Robin K. Chou;Huimin Chung, 2006.12, 'Penny Pricing and Index Futures Arbitrage, ' The Fourteenth Conference on the Theories and Practices of Securities and Financial Markets, National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan., Dec. 2006 |
2006 |
Chou, Pin-Huang;Robin K. Chou;Kuan-Cheng Ko, 2006.12, 'Empirical Determinants of Limit-hit Durations: Rational and Behavioral Perspectives, ' The 2006 NTU International Conference on Finance, Taipei, Taiwan., Dec. 2006 |
2006 |
Chen, Hsuan-Chi;Robin K. Chou;Grace C.H. Kuan, 2006.12, 'Tie-In Agreements and First-Day Trading in Initial Public Offerings, ' The 2006 NTU International Conference on Finance, Taipei, Taiwan., Dec. 2006 |
2006 |
Chang, Chia-Ching;Sheng-Syan Chen;Robin K. Chou;Chin-Wen Hsin, 2006.12, 'Intraday Contagions and the Variation of Informed Trades across Sessions: Evidence from the U.S. Technology Stocks, ' The 19th Australasian Finance and Banking Conference, Sydney, Australia., Dec. 2006 |
2006 |
洪叔民*;陈国祥;周凌峰, 2006.12, '设计产业的发展与未来-以浩汉设计为例, ' 第十二届服务业管理个案集, 国立政治大学企管系, pp.8~1-8~30.(*为通讯作者), Dec. 2006 |
2006 |
黄国峯*;陈盈妘, 2006.12, '从竞争模型分析台湾电信产业的创价机会-以大众电信为例, ' 第十二届服务业管理研讨会, 国立政治大学企业管理系所.(*为通讯作者), Dec. 2006 |
2006 |
张爱华;魏圣忠;孙国宁;杨愼淇;陈莞儒, 2006.12, '顾客资本的创造与管理—以电信业为例, ' 第十二届服务业管理研讨会个案集., Dec. 2006 |
2006 |
Lin, Y.Y.;Lee, I.C., 2006.12, 'National intellectual capital: A comparison of Japan, Korea and Taiwan, ' Asian Academy of Management., Dec. 2006 |
2006 |
Lin, Y.Y.;Wei, Y.C., 2006.12, 'Environmental pressure and organizational decline: The moderating effects of human capital and social capital, ' Asian Academy of Management., Dec. 2006 |
2006 |
Lin, Y.Y.;Lin, T.Y., 2006.12, 'National intellectual capital: A comparison of the Nordic countries, ' 2006 科管年会., Dec. 2006 |