
搜寻类别: 关键字搜寻: Clear
年度 论文名称
2001 王俪玲, 2001, 'Are Employers More Generous Now?: An Analysis of Pension Generositand Employers’ Characters, ' Conference of American Risk and Insurance Association, American Risk and Insurance Association., 2001
2001 王俪玲, 2001, 'Parameter Risks of Surplus Management under a Stochastic Process, ' Conference of American Risk and Insurance Association, American Risk and Insurance Association., 2001
2001 蔡瑞煌, 2001, 'Decision Support System with embedded Back Propagation Neural Networks for handling the Chaotic Environment, ' 6th Asia-Pacific Decision Sciences Institute Conference., 2001
2001 蔡瑞煌, 2001, 'A deterministic way of guaranteeing a globally optimal learning result, ' International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Robotics and Autonomous Systems (CIRAS’ 2001)., 2001
2001 杨亨利, 2001, '网际网络下网站隐私权保护决策之研究, ' 89学年度国科会(管理二学门)资讯管理理论与实务论文研讨会, 国科会., 2001
2001 杨亨利;林俊伊, 2001, '汽车装配业如何利用IT工具达成CRM的精神, ' 装配业电子化研究成果推广稿研讨会, 台北市., 2001
2001 邱志圣, 2001, 'The Effectiveness of Different Advertising Message Appeals:An Analysis of Taiwanese TV Commercials., ' The Effectiveness of Different Advertising Message Appeals:An Analysis of Taiwanese TV Commercials., Academy of Marketing Science., 2001
2001 谭丹琪;Joe Mahoney, 2001, 'An empirical investigation of the Utilization of expatriates: Agency theory and transaction cost perspectives, ' Academy of International Business Annual Meetings, Academy of International Business Annual Meetings., 2001
2001 施文真*, 2001, '法律与国家公园保育业务之推行, ' 国家公园生物多样性保育策略之研究与生物多样性保育策略研讨会论文集.(*为通讯作者), 2001
2001 陈明吉;花敬群;张金鹗, 2001, '奖励民间参与公共建设的新诱因-土地开发外部利益分配, ' 公共与地方财政创新研讨会, 中华公共事务管理学会., 2001