
搜寻类别: 关键字搜寻: Clear
年度 论文名称
2000 蔡政宪;Li, Meng-Yi, 2000, 'Value at Risk for the Reserves of Multi-Product Life Insurers, ' American Risk and Insurance Association Annual Meeting., 2000
2000 吴安妮;T.W Lin, 2000, 'A Survey of Management Accounting Practices in China., ' The IAAER Third Biennial International Accounting Research Conference of IAAER and The Seventeenth Annual Meeting of JAIAS, *., 2000
2000 R. Banker;H. Chang;C. Ou;吴安妮, 2000, 'Job Costing and Pricing: Empirical Evidence from a Printing Company, ' Management Accounting Conference, *., 2000
2000 吴安妮;C. Chow, 2000, 'The Increased Adoption of Formal/Explicit Management Controls in Chinese Enterprises: An Exploratory Field Study, ' Management Accounting Conference, *., 2000
2000 李仁芳, 2000, '技术创新与组织平台之管理, ' 2001年企业管理的挑战与对策研讨会., 2000
2000 蔡瑞煌, 2000, 'The Deterministic Evolutionary Learning Algorithm, ' International Conference on Data Mining 2000, pp.343-352.., 2000
1999 饶秀华;林修葳;黎明渊, 1999.12, '投资与景气状态分析, ' 总体经济计量模型研讨会, 中研院经济研究所., Dec. 1999
1999 林修葳;饶秀华;黎明渊, 1999.12, 'Estimating VAR for Major TAIEX Index Returns via Markov-Switching Models, ' The Eighth Conference on the Theories and Practices of Security and Financial Markets, National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung., Dec. 1999
1999 施文真*, 1999.12, '国家报告书中可增列项目之建议:法律与制度面, ' 生物多样性公约国家报告书评论研讨会, 立法院永续会/行政院农委会/行政院研考会主办, pp.57-66.(*为通讯作者), Dec. 1999
1999 陈坤铭;陈财家, 1999.12, '反倾销与股价:台湾钢铁产业个案研究, ' 台湾经济学会一九九九年会研讨会 , 台湾经济学会., Dec. 1999