
搜寻类别: 关键字搜寻: Clear
年度 论文名称
1999 Z.L Wu, 1999, 'Unified Agent Cooperation Interface -a Critical-Mass Success Factor for MAS Design, ' Pacific Rim International Workshop on Multi-Agent, Japan., 1999
1999 邱显贵, 1999, '智慧代理人在网际网络电子商务应用模式之研究-以买者决策行为观点探讨, ' 第五届资讯管理研究暨实务研讨会, 台北市., 1999
1999 赵玉;Jau-Hung Tseng, 1999, 'Some Properties pf Synchronized Choice Ordinary Petri Nets, ' Invited Session paper,1999 IFAC, China., 1999
1999 赵玉, 1999, 'The Algorithm for Synchronized Choice Net Detection, ' Proceedings of 1999 Workshop on Distributed System Technologies & Application, Taiwan., 1999
1999 赵玉;Jose A. Nicdao;赵玉, 1999, 'Second Order Structures for Synchronized Choice Ordinary Petri Nets, ' the Third World Multiconference on Systemics Cyberbetics and Informatics and the Fifth International Conference on Information Systems Analysis and Synthesis, USA., 1999
1999 馀千智, 1999, 'A Multimedia Document Model for Intelligent and User Support content-Based Retrieval in Digital Libraries, ' Proceedings of The Third IASTED International Conference on Internet and Multimedia Systems and Applications, Nassau,bahamas., 1999
1999 林修葳;饶秀华;黎明渊, 1999, '风险值计测---马可夫转换技术应用, ' 第一 届「财务理论与实务暨同福基金会学术研讨会』, 淡江大学., 1999
1999 谭丹琪, 1999, 'Entry mode, managerial resources and international expansion, ' Academy of International Business Annual Meetings, Academy of International Business., 1999
1999 杨光华, 1999, 'Comment on Grace Skogstad''s Canada,the WTO and the Internationalization of Food Safety Measures: Balancing Trade Interests with Democratic Norms., ' The 4th Canadian Studies Conferrence., 1999
1999 吴启铭, 1999, '盈馀品质与股票报酬, ' 盈馀品质与股票报酬, 1999台湾财务学会年会研讨会., 1999