
搜寻类别: 关键字搜寻: Clear
年度 论文名称
1997 温肇东, 1997, '大学创新与创业教育初探, ' 1997年产业科技研究发展管理研讨会., 1997
1997 杨素芬, 1997, 'Birbaum-Saunders Centrality control, ' AQ Symposium, CSA., 1997
1997 Ting, C.P.*, 1997, '最适行比较与列比较之行列设计, ' 第三届机率统计之理论与应用研讨会.(*为通讯作者), 1997
1997 张士杰, 1997, '退休基金评价:公务人员退辅基金的实证研究, ' 中华民国财务学会年会论文集, 中华民国财务学会., 1997
1997 谢耀龙, 1997, 'The Role of Guanxi in Marketing Ethics, '., 1997
1997 馀千智, 1997, 'The Future of Internet Commerce in Asia: Assessing the Opportunities and Challenges tor Taiwan, '., 1997
1997 周行一;;, 1997, 'A Risk-and return analysis of Asian emerging Markets in global asset pricing models, ' 1997 Financial Management Association Meetings., 1997
1997 陈威光, 1997, 'A Study of the value of early cxercise in America Option Prices, ' 亚太及中国财务学会联合会议., 1997
1997 Lin, Y.Y.*;Lee, L.T., 1997, 'The role of Taiwan in Chinese human resources integration, ' Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Conference on Global Business Environment and Strategy, pp.1-7.(*为通讯作者), 1997
1997 楼永坚, 1997, 'The Impact of Self-Definition and Gender on Symbolic Consumpion - A Taiwanese Perspective, ' Sixth Symposium on Cross - Cultural Consumer and Business Studies., 1997