
搜寻类别: 关键字搜寻: Clear
年度 论文名称
1997 苑守慈, 1997, 'Decentralized Multy Virtual Mall, ' Conference of Information Management., 1997
1997 苑守慈, 1997, 'Ontology-Based Agent Community for Information Gathering and Integration: Practical Case Study, ' Agent Workshop97., 1997
1997 苑守慈, 1997, 'A Safe and Efficient Agent architecture for Uncertain Agent Environment, ' Joint Pacific Asian Conference on Expert Systems/Singapore International Conference on Intelligent System., 1997
1997 廖四郎, 1997, '有交易成本的均衡与套利资产定价, ' 中国统计学会年会., 1997
1997 Liao, S. L., 1997, 'Testing the Efficiency of Taiwan Forward US Dollar Market, ' 第五届证券暨金融市场理论与实务研讨会., 1997
1997 黄思明, 1997, '我国流通业电子商务发展现况与展望, ' 流通业电子商务新趋势研讨会., 1997
1997 黄思明, 1997, '我国企业使用软件工具之阶段理论模式, ' 八十五年度国科会管理学门专题计划研究成果发表会., 1997
1997 黄思明, 1997, '全国商品资料网络化, ' 八十六年度产业自动化会议., 1997
1997 苑守慈, 1997, 'Innovated Virtual Mall, ' International Conference and Exhibition on the Practical Application of Intelligent Agents and Multi-Agents., 1997
1997 黄思明, 1997, '汽车经销商顾客服务体系的再造, ' 资讯技术促成之企业再造本土个案研讨会., 1997