
搜寻类别: 关键字搜寻: Clear
年度 论文名称
1996 张士杰, 1996, '可信度理论分析与应用, ' 85年度中华民国精算学年会, 中华民国精算学会., 1996
1996 Tzeng (曾淑峰), 1996, 'A Middle-Out Methodology for EIS Development, ' Pacific-Basin Business Conference, --., 1996
1996 裘锦天, 1996, 'Facing East: Multimedia Interface Design for the Far East, ' Proceedings of ED-MEDIA 96-World Conference on Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia., 1996
1996 楼永坚;白明胜, 1996, '认知型态及文化差异对广告说服力之影响, ' 第二届服务业管理研讨会, 国立政治大学企管系., 1996
1996 周行一;, 1996, 'The Determinants of Foreign Exchange Rate Exposure: Evidence on Japanese Firms, ' 1996 Financial Management Association Meeting., 1996
1996 管康彦, 1996, 'The Reality of Business Reengineering in Taiwan:When West Meets Ease, ' 20th Joint Conference of ROC-USA & USA-ROC Economic Councils., 1996
1996 张士杰, 1996, '多重相依脱退理论的探讨, ' 85年度中华统计与机率研讨会论文集, 中华统计与机率学会., 1996
1996 林月云*;林钰钦, 1996, '中小企业转型关键因素研究:组织变革之观点, ' 国立交通大学第一届企业发展与管理研讨会论文集, pp.E4-1 - E4-10.(*为通讯作者), 1996
1996 Chow, C.;P. Harrison;T. Lindquist;A. Wu, 1996, 'Escalating Commitment to Unprofitable Projects: Replication and Cross-Cultural Extension., ' Eighth Asian-Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues., 1996
1996 黄思明, 1996, '顾客服务体系的再造, ' 第二届全国企业改造研讨会., 1996