2012 |
韩志翔*;黄丽蓉;锺凤瑜, 2012.10, '公司品牌管理与品牌公民行为之关系研究-已品牌导向的人力资源管理予以员工为基础的品牌权益为中介变量(封面), ' 2012第六届海峡两岸企业管理的学术研讨会.(*为通讯作者), Oct. 2012 |
2012 |
韩志翔*;陈嘉纯;锺凤瑜, 2012.10, '员工对员工协助方案的知晓以及满意程度与以员工为本的品牌权益之关联性研究:以知觉组织支持为中界变量, ' 2012第六届海峡两岸企业管理的学术研讨会.(*为通讯作者), Oct. 2012 |
2012 |
Hong-Yi Chen*;Manak C. Gupta;Alice C. Lee;Cheng-Few Lee, 2012.10, 'Dynamic model of optimal growth rate and payout ratio: A joint optimization approach., ' 2012 Taiwan Econometric Society Annual Conference, TES.(*为通讯作者), Oct. 2012 |
2012 |
廖俊锋*;陈恭;陈俊杰, 2012.09, 'Toward a Tenant-aware Query Rewriting Engine for Universal Table Schme-Mapping, ' The fourth IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (IEEE CloudCom 2012), 清华大学、中华大学、国家高速网络与计算中心、东海大学.(EI, IEEE)(*为通讯作者), Sep. 2012 |
2012 |
陈丽霞;Kao, Lie-Jane*;Lee, Cheng-Few, 2012.09, 'Recurrent Survival Analysis of Sequential Conversions of Convertible Bond, ' The 20th Annual Conference on Pacific Basin Finance, Economics,Accounting, and Management, Rutgers University, USA; Foundation of Pacific Basin Financial Research and Development, Taiwan.(*为通讯作者), Sep. 2012 |
2012 |
王正伟, 2012.09, '被保险人撤销同意相关规定之比较分析, ' 2012海峡两岸保险与风险管学术研讨会,中国四川, 西南财经大学,中国四川。., Sep. 2012 |
2012 |
Ming-Hua Hsieh;Jin-Lung Peng;Chenghsien Tsai;Jennifer Wang*, 2012.09, 'Explaining the Risk Premium of Life Settlements, ' Eighth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference.(*为通讯作者), Sep. 2012 |
2012 |
Johannes K. Chiang*;Daniel Yuh Chao, 2012.09, 'Application of critical-siphon Theory to Fastest Deadlock Controller for A Class of Flexible Manufacturing Systems, ' Advanced Material Research, Inner Mongolia University of Technology, China and Hong Kong Industrial Technology Research Centre, pp.1679-1682.(*为通讯作者), Sep. 2012 |
2012 |
Kuan-Cheng Ko*;Shinn-Juh Lin;Hsiang-Hui Chu;Hsiao-Wei Ho, 2012.09, 'Credit Rating Anomaly in Taiwan Stock Market, ' 2012 KFA-TFA Joint Conference in Finance, Korean Finance Association cohosted with Taiwan Finance Association.(*为通讯作者), Sep. 2012 |
2012 |
Hong-Yi Chen*;Cheng-Few Lee;Wei K. Shih, 2012.09, 'Technical, fundamental, and combined information for separating winner from losers., ' The 20th Annual Conference on PBFEAM, PBFEAM.(*为通讯作者), Sep. 2012 |