2010 |
吴启铭*, 2010.11, 'An examination of long-term abnormal stock returns following R&D changes -- Taiwan evidences, ' Proceeding of 2010 international conference on knowledge-based economy and global management, College of Business, Southern Taiwan University, pp.301-318.(*为通讯作者), Nov. 2010 |
2010 |
罗明琇*;郑佩能, 2010.11, '绿色供应链中逆物流 (Reverse Logistics) 系统之建置─以华硕电脑为例, ' 全球品牌与服务业行销学术研讨会, 国立台湾大学国际企业学系.(*为通讯作者), Nov. 2010 |
2010 |
张爱华*;林盈汝, 2010.11, 'The Influence of Customer Interaction Orientation on Organizational Performance—Mediation Effect of Organizational Learning, ' Proceedings of The Third Knowledge Cities World Summit, The City of Melbourne and the World Capital Institute.(*为通讯作者), Nov. 2010 |
2010 |
Lin, Carol, 2010.11, 'Knowledge Assets and Capital Systems, ' Knowledge Cities World Summit., Nov. 2010 |
2010 |
Lin, Carol;Wen, C.T., 2010.11, 'Future Center in Taiwan: Incubation Process, ' Knowledge Cities World Summit., Nov. 2010 |
2010 |
Hung, W.H.;Kao-Hui Kung;Chin-Fu Ho, 2010.11, 'PLM Usage Behavior and Technology Adaptation, ' ISD Symposium - The Digital Innovation: A Catalyst to Business Transformation, .., Nov. 2010 |
2010 |
温肇东*;林月云*, 2010.11, ' Future Center in Taiwan: Incubation Process, ' Melbourne 2010 - Knowledge Cities World Summit, Knowledge Cities World Summit Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre.(*为通讯作者), Nov. 2010 |
2010 |
姜国辉*;叶信源;郑惠心, 2010.11, '云端服务系统:帐号救援之理论与实作架构, ' 2010联合国际研讨会论文集, 教育部顾问室资通安全联盟中心, 中华民国资讯管理学会等, pp.114-126.(*为通讯作者), Nov. 2010 |
2010 |
邓广丰*;林我聪, 2010.11, '供应链网络价格竞争模式之研究-以复杂适应系统观点, ' 2010产业资讯管理学术暨新兴科技实务研讨会论文集.(*为通讯作者), Nov. 2010 |
2010 |
Shiang-Jiun Chen;Po-Huei Liang;Jiann-Min Yang, 2010.11, 'Workload Evaluation and Analysis on Virtual Systems, ' 2010 7th International Conference on e-Business Engineering (ICEBE), IEEE, pp.111 - 116.(IEEE), Nov. 2010 |