
搜寻类别: 关键字搜寻: Clear
年度 论文名称
2003 王俪玲, 2003, 'Hedging Longevity Risk in Life Insurance Companies, ' the Third Annual Conference of the Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance Association nce, Bangkok., 2003
2003 May Lin;苑守慈, 2003, 'A Study on Contextualized Fault-tolerant Service Composition in WP2P Environments, ' International Conference of Information Management Research and Practice., 2003
2003 Chiahsin Cheng;苑守慈, 2003, 'A Study on Ontology-Based Coupled Clustering foe Mobile Marketing, ' International Conference of Information Management, 台湾., 2003
2003 苑守慈;Kwei-Jay Lin, 2003, 'WISE-Building Simple Intelligence into Web Services, ' IEEE/WIC International Conference on Web Intelligence, Canada., 2003
2003 Tsaih, R.*, 2003, 'A Face-Point Based Algorithm for Linear Programming Problems, ' Association for Chinese Management Educators (ACME) 2003 International Conference, pp.609-614.(*为通讯作者), 2003
2003 张欣萍;陈光昱;王彦凯;陈纯美;杨亨利, 2003, '线上问卷产生器之研讨, ' 第四届产业资讯管理学术暨新兴科技实务研讨会, 台北市., 2003
2003 林青峰;杨亨利, 2003, '从自助旅游网站的建置实践自定行程的规则萃取, ' 第二届世纪管理新思维研讨会, 台北市., 2003
2003 邱显贵;杨亨利, 2003, '电子商务网站值得消费者信任的影响因素, ' 第五届资管博士论文研讨会, 台北市., 2003
2003 杨建民, 2003, '团队组织结构中两人赛局策略之初探, ' 第十四届国际资讯管理学术研讨会, .., 2003
2003 馀千智, 2003, '企业模式导向的电子化企业个案研究, ' 2003年第五届永续发展管理研讨会, 屏东., 2003