
搜寻类别: 关键字搜寻: Clear
年度 论文名称
2003 苑守慈, 2003, 'Contextualized Task-oriented Self-organizing in WP2P environments, ' International Conference of Information Management Research and Practice., 2003
2003 苑守慈, 2003, 'A Study on Free-Rider Distributed Impermeability in WP2P Content Sharing, ' Fourth National Conference on Industrial Information Management and Technology Innovation., 2003
2003 苑守慈, 2003, 'Contextualized Behavior Mining for Event Prediction in Telematics, ' Conference of Information Management., 2003
2003 馀千智, 2003, '全球资讯网智慧型决策支援系统在个人化财务管理服务之应用研究, ' 国科会九十一年度管理二学门专题研究计画成果发表会, 国科会., 2003
2003 馀千智, 2003, '国际数码落差的评比架构:以台湾及邻近亚洲国家的比较为例, ' 创新资讯科技政策与数码社会国际学术研讨会, 台北., 2003
2003 馀千智, 2003, 'A Business Model Framework for E-Business Planning, Proceedings of the First International E-Services Workshop, ' The 5th International Conference on Electronic Commerce, Pittsburgh, PA, USA., 2003
2003 Biing-Shen Kuo, 2003, 'Precautionary and Consumption with Borrowing Constraints, ' 2003年总体经济与经济发展会议, 中研院经济所., 2003
2003 Biing-Shen Kuo, 2003, 'Exchange Rate Risk Management: The Case of Taiwan, ' 第十一届证券暨金融市场理论与实务研讨会 ., 2003
2003 L. Y. Fang;W. S. Wu, 2003, 'Innovation knowledge co-evolution of conglomerate firm, ' ISPIM 13th conference, ISPIM 13th conference., 2003
2003 Wu, W. S.;L. Y. Fang, 2003, 'Innovation through knowledge co-evolution and collaboration: An empirical case study in Taiwan semiconductor industry, ' ECKM 4th conference, ECKM 4th conference., 2003