
搜寻类别: 关键字搜寻: Clear
年度 论文名称
2002 吴安妮;C. Chow,;G. Harrison,;J. Mckinnon, 2002.01, 'Organization Culture: Association with Affective Commitment, Job Satisfaction, Prosperity to Remain and Information Sharing in a Chinese Cultural Context., ' Management Accounting Conference,., Jan. 2002
2002 Liangfeng Lin, 2002.01, 'Producer在多媒体教材制作之研究, ' 国立政治大学911学期远距教学期末研讨会, 国立政治大学., Jan. 2002
2002 Chow, C.;A. Wu;T. Lindquist, 2002.01, 'Taiwanese Companies’ Competitive Strategies and their Relation to Company Performance., ' Management Accounting Conference., Jan. 2002
2002 温肇东, 2002.01, '创新与创业平台发展, ' 海峡两岸两岸科技产业发展研讨会年, 上海交通大学., Jan. 2002
2002 陈丽霞;谢雨生;江振东;苏圣珠, 2002, 'Using latent transition model to study distress problems in juveniles, ' 2002 Taipei International Statistical Symposium and Bernoulli Society EAPR Conference, EAPR., 2002
2002 李景美;江振东, 2002, '台北县市高职学生物质滥用之危险与保护因子追踪研究, ' 中华民国学校卫生学会第二十二届第一次会员大会暨健康促进学校国际学术研讨会, .., 2002
2002 江振东;Lee, C-M,;Lai, H-R, Lee, P-H;Chang, F-C,Chen, W-J, 2002, 'Study on the Risk and Protective Factors of Smoking among the Vocational High School Students in Taipei Area: A Three-Year Longitudinal Study, ' 台湾菸害防制研讨会, X., 2002
2002 翁久幸;M.-W. Chang;C.-J. Lin, 2002, 'Adaptive deterministic annealing for two applications: competing SVR of switching dynamics and traveling salesman problems, ' The 9th International Conference on Neural Information Processing, X., 2002
2002 翁久幸;M.-W. Chang;C.-J. Lin, 2002, 'Analysis of Switching Dynamics with Competing Support Vector Machines, ' International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, IEEE., 2002
2002 杨素芬;Lin. G;Ho.S, 2002, 'Improvement of car speed using Taguchi method, ' The TQM Conference, x., 2002