2002 |
杨素芬;Tsia, I., 2002, 'Improvement of thickness using Taguchi method, ' TQM conference, X., 2002 |
2002 |
蔡政宪, 2002, 'Duration Analysis on Life Insurance Policies: A Case of Endowment Policies, ' International Symposium on the Risk Services Industry in Emerging Economies, Ming Chuan University., 2002 |
2002 |
蔡政宪;Weiyu Kuo;Wei-Kuang Chen, 2002, 'Lapse Rate and the Distribution of Policy Reserves, ' 中华金融创新与财务工程学会研讨会., 2002 |
2002 |
蔡政宪;Larry Y. Tzeng;Chun-Fang Kuo, 2002, 'Risk-Based Capital and the Life Insurer’s Risk Taking Behaviors, ' The Third Risk Management Theory Seminar, National Chengchi University,., 2002 |
2002 |
蔡政宪;Chang, Shih-Chieh;Chia-Jung Tien;Chang-Ye Tu, 2002, 'Dynamic Funding and Investment Strategy for Defined Benefit Pension Schemes: Model Incorporating Asset-Liability Matching Criterions, ' The Sixth Annual Conference of the Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance
Association., 2002 |
2002 |
黄泓智, 2002, 'Valuation and Hedging for LPI Liabilities, ' 6th International Congress on Insurance: Mathematics Economics, ISEQ., 2002 |
2002 |
王俪玲, 2002, 'Net Present Value under Stochastic Interest Rates- An Application iPricing Life Insurance (Shanghai), ' the Third Annual Conference of the Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance Association in Shanghai., 2002 |
2002 |
姜国辉;吴俊德*;庄惠惠, 2002, '建立;跨越产业内外流程整合与电子资料标准之资料网络-以ebXML的架构为例, ' 2002年制商整合学术暨实务研讨会论文集, 教育部/制商整合计画,岭东科技大学.(*为通讯作者), 2002 |
2002 |
管郁君, 2002, '资讯主管与一般主管对资讯科技应用的影响, ' 第八届海峡两岸资讯管理发展策略研讨会., 2002 |
2002 |
苑守慈;Eva Tsao, 2002, 'Recommendation Mechanism for Location-Based Customized Mobile Advertising, ' 8th Mobile Computing Workshop,., 2002 |