2001 |
李仁芳, 2001, '台湾产学合作创新机制探讨, ' 2001年两岸科技论坛., 2001 |
2001 |
李仁芳, 2001, '2002年企业创新转型的挑战与对策, ' 2002年企业经营的挑战与对策研讨会., 2001 |
2001 |
徐作圣;邱奕嘉;游焕中, 2001, '两岸积体电路产业发展互补分析, ' 1中华民国科技管理研讨会论文集., 2001 |
2001 |
徐作圣;邱奕嘉, 2001, '两岸IC产业互补及产业组合分析, ' 两岸科技政策论坛论文集., 2001 |
2001 |
陈丽霞;陈春龙;杨雅媛, 2001, '资料特性对线性回归与类神经网络预测效果影响之研究, ' 九十年统计学术研究会, x., 2001 |
2001 |
馀清祥;Clayton, M;Yu, I, 2001, 'An Overlap Measure based on Species Proportions, ' 2001 Joint Statistic Meetings, 2001 Joint Statistic Meetings., 2001 |
2001 |
杨素芬;Kao, R;Lee,R, 2001, 'Process Adjustment for the thickness of thin gold films, ' The 2th Statistical Conference for Chinese in Taiwan and China, Taiwan., 2001 |
2001 |
杨素芬;Chang .C, 2001, 'Effects of measurement error on the X-bar and S Control charts, ' Proceedings of the 16th ICPR, X., 2001 |
2001 |
杨素芬;Ho,H, 2001, 'An approach to analysis CRT quality data, ' Proceedings of TQM confrernce, TQM., 2001 |
2001 |
杨素芬, 2001, 'Statistical process control for multiple stream processes, ' 2001 Statistical Conference, Taipei, x., 2001 |